0:00:00 | ACC: “How ‘bout you, are you traumatized?” JCD: “Uggghhhhhh!” (2:16:45 ) |
0:00:37 | JCD on Hillary’s warm-up act for Obama speech: “she’s got her hand under her armpit and she’s making some sort of farting noise … she’s makin’ dogs out of long balloons!” |
0:02:34 | Upcoming May 21 end of the world from Genesis 7:4 numerology |
0:06:29 | Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s “Al Gore hit” with carpet DNA samples, criminal complaint “forcibly grabbed informant’s vaginal area”, IMF press briefing with top brass itineraries; Bilderberger Fareed Zakaria on proposed bank transaction “FAT Tax”, JCD Goldman Sachs high-frequency trading attack theory; José Manuel Barroso: Strauss-Kahn’s successor should be European, Timothy Geithner all-in on John Lipsky, ACC predicts Egyptian Finance Minister |
0:19:39 | Attorney Roy Black on Strauss-Kahn “perp walk” coordinated by NYPD and tabloids, Alan Dershowitz: “intended to present him as guilty and as looking predatory”; document showing bin Laden all-in on Arab Spring; “French douchebag” Bernard-Henri Lévy: “everybody knows that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is not exactly anyone”, unimpressed with Sarkozy “plot theory” |
0:33:09 | Wolf Blitzer taken aback by International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Gaddafi for rape “assisted by the distribution of Viagra or Viagra-like products” to “rape women as an act of war”, lisping ICC prosecutor: “there’s some information with Viagra, so, it’s like a machete” |
0:39:09 | Producer Segment: shitdisturber.com/donate ; ACC’s improved “hello Memphis!” Obama |
0:51:25 | Trump candidacy irrelevant after bin Laden assassination; Rick Santorum battling Urban Dictionary “frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter” in Google results; douchebag Thom Hartmann “frothy mix of lies and nonsense”; Rachel Maddow’s “Santorum” Google search |
1:02:51 | Gabby Giffords chipped and ready for presidential run |
1:03:46 | “You don’t know me, Castle!” bad acting; “you’re Adam Curry” Another World clip |
1:06:21 | Annoy John: Vivek Kundra to The Economist on his grand achievement of tracking D.C. snowplows, “you’re going to need realtime dashboards telling you what the attack vectors look like”, “how do we disrupt the sort of the textbook space” in education, “app economy” |
1:12:34 | White House bans Boston Herald in retaliation for Mitt Romney op-ed, Orlando Sentinel reporter locked in closet by O’Biden staff; International Strategy for Cyberspace document |
1:18:17 | House defense authorization bill’s “belligerents” language; 60 Minutes hit piece on sovereign citizen movement: “sovereign language”, “conspiracy theorists” profile, Alfred Adask’s “internet radio show”; NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake: government “making dissent a crime” under Espionage Act; ACC proposes running for office as “the Crackpot Party” |
1:35:00 | NPR’s Andy Carvin to moderate #MESpeech event as part of Obama Middle East address |
1:36:59 | Donation Segment: Joss Whedon “In the Morning” tweet; ACC reading Don Cambou’s book |
1:51:23 | ACC’s zombie prediction, CDC zombie apocalypse page, no mention of double tap to the head |
1:57:58 | Movie Clip of the Week: Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid |
1:59:21 | No global financial collapse in spite of debt ceiling inaction; economist Dean Baker to buxom Russia Today hottie: Congress will raise ceiling because “their backers on Wall Street will kill them if they don’t”; Fourteenth Amendment Article 4 “insurrection or rebellion” and DHS |
2:09:58 | Facebook to use Microsoft PhotoDNA to spot illegal images; Monsanto’s 4k seed varieties; San Francisco circumcision ban on ballot; atmospheric warming over Japan ahead of Fukushima, JCD story: fake NASA guy speaking in Korea, NOAA warning about 2013 solar storm peak |
2:20:16 | SCotUS rules 8-1 police may break down door over suspicious noises |
2:22:35 | Condoleezza Rice on “grumpy guy” Donald Rumsfeld, plug for new book |