Call Clooney!

29 The Zen “Offer” (2008-05-03)

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0:00:18New London Mayor TV host Boris Johnson, “not yet” on sleeping with men, “gobsmacked”
0:06:45ACC back from Netherlands, Heathrow run by Spanish company, infuriating carry-on dimension rule, ACC all-in on easyJet; boozed-up Brits in Amsterdam, Van Gogh and Stedelijk Museums, Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder hidden church
0:21:28ACC Amsterdam food recommendations; JCD on teNeues “cool restaurants” book series
0:26:15George Carlin on kids not taught to lose and Holland’s Got Talent; BBC BRIC documentary, 68% interest on Brazilian mortgages; Google’s copyrighted Carlin videos
0:35:35JCD’s library book sale 1940 Toll House cookbook with crab-stuffed grapefruit recipe, JCD public-domain cookbook collection, household tips, Internet Yellow Pages, JCD on Who’s Who scam, Whole Earth Catalog, JCD’s MacBASIC preview copy, Century coffee table book
0:57:32Amazon print-on-demand offerings, JCD on one-off PODs from PDF and Illustrator files, Amazon-BookSurge deal and possible RICO issue; JCD on MarketWatch stock tips, Fox business vs CNBC; No Agenda tip: short Capital One, JCD: economic collapse “upsets a lot of people”, easier debt repayment under hyperinflation, ACC land ownership “crackpot theory”
1:12:19Deflation & stagflation, farmland strategy, JCD predicts October crash with bottom in 2013; ACC on rich people being courted by banks, kidnapping insurance, “I said you can keep her”, shareholder lawsuits for exact insured amount
1:23:47JCD’s raw milk, Dungeness Valley Creamery, ACC on cow-tipping; professional “offers” for on-farm low-stress butchering, Washington “Zen offer”; Dutch buying meat from Argentina
1:30:37Lack of US energy policy; candidates’ Iran “saber-rattling”; JCD headed to Korea