0:00:00 | JCD: “Yeah, yeah, it’s what we do, I mean we manipulate the media because the media’s a bunch of idiots anyway.” (2:09:29 ) |
0:00:37 | Bogus “secretly-recorded” Obama “you think we’re stupid?” fundraiser comments bashing Paul Ryan and White House phone system, meeting with Emir of Qatar, “reform, reform, reform, you’re seeing it on Al Jazeera”, “there is no big move towards democracy in Qatar”, talks himself into corner with income disparities; AMC Inside The DHS reality show |
0:10:59 | Obama weekly address on Republican $4T deficit reduction “at a time when other nations are hustling to out-compete us”, elitist “people like me don’t need another tax cut”; Jay Carney’s Libya/Syria flub followed by “Larry” Lieberman “what we’re doing … in Libya is what the Arab world wants us to do”, JCD on Bashere Assad’s father murdering entire town of Hama, Lieberman “slaughter” and no-fly zone narratives, “freedom fighters”, “house to house” meme |
0:21:19 | Paul Craig Roberts to useless Russia Today interviewer: “Syria provides the Russian naval base in the Mediterranean”, NATO vs Russia and China, Americans “full of hubris” |
0:28:49 | Producer Segment |
0:38:00 | Uganda pipeline chaos; JCD’s Tarzan Escapes “Bwana come!”, Bill Cosby’s war on Amos & Andy; Joy Behar to Roseanne Barr: Obama “very good president, don’t you like him?” |
0:42:30 | C-SPAN explores $240M Treasury Building restoration project and Gilded Dome; “no one went to jail” meme and Levin Report, Clooney’s bailout film; Matt Taibbi to Anderson Cooper on Lloyd Blankfein’s prison prospects; Ron Paul proposes US “intellectually blame” Federal Reserve; Libyan rebels seeking $2bn loan; Obama’s March 21 “matter of days” revisited; January United Nations human rights report praises Gaddafi’s human rights track record |
0:58:56 | Tajazzle “put some bling in your fling” infomercial |
1:00:50 | White House memo on 32 U.S.C. §315 allowing military to masquerade as National Guard |
1:04:58 | CNN on TSA “behavior detection officers” on the lookout for anyone who “displays contempt for the screening process”, so-called “20th hijacker” Mohammed al-Qahtani described as having “body language that appear arrogant”, JCD recommends “zombie look” and “take your sweet time” with bins full of personal effects, ACC prone to static electric shocks from laptop |
1:09:54 | Author Joshua Holland asked about “right-wing Chicken Little narrative” vs China’s ownership of 9.6% of public debt, Social Security’s $2.6T “safest investment on planet earth” |
1:20:28 | And Now Back to Real News: Condoleezza Rice’s 30 Rock gig; Paris Hilton’s new reality show |
1:22:10 | WHO global vaccine sharing plan to prepare for flu pandemic; GSK relabeling Pandemrix to cite narcolepsy danger, JCD: “when’s the last time you ever read a label of a vaccine bottle?” |
1:27:14 | Donation Segment: Phyllis Schlafly on feminist domination of public schools, death of sports |
1:37:00 | New Zealand MP Claire Curran on “truly frightening” secret Trans-Pacific Partnership on intellectual property; leaked copy “must be stored in a locked or secured building, room, or container”, patent and copyright “evergreening”, patents on surgical procedures |
1:47:05 | YouTube Copyright School Rocky & Bullwinkle ripoff: “if YouTube finds you are a repeat offender, you’ll get banned for life!”, sped-up verbal fine print reading trivializing fair use |
1:54:04 | Belgian priest Roger Vangheluwe admits sexually abusing nephews while denying being a pedophile; Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore campaigning against sex slave trafficking |
1:58:49 | Mark Hertsgaard to Democracy Now: climate skeptics dooming “the rest of generation hot” |
2:01:09 | Burson-Marsteller’s Earth Hour campaign expanding to India, “evidence-based communication” and paid “E-Fluentials”, JCD: strategy ineffective; Elisha Cuthbert for end of show |