0:00:00 | ACC: “I watch She-SPAN for a living, can I buy you a drink?” (2:02:00 ) |
0:00:35 | JCD “mission accomplished” in Libya, ACC theory: using Gaddafi to oust Chinese; Hillary: “we would welcome Congressional support” for “internationally authorized intervention … to enforce a humanitarian mission”, ACC: “to save people from getting killed, let’s go kill some people!”; televangelist on Satan influencing man “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” |
0:10:20 | West Wing Week Presidential teleprompter congratulates itself on Libya, military’s “unique capabilities” meme; theory on Gaddafi activating sleeper cells worldwide; Adm. William Gortney: “we’re not communicating with the coalition on the ground” Freudian slip; Gen. Wesley Clark to Democracy Now in 2007 on post-9/11 Iraq war plans and Wes Clark Seven: “he said, this is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran” |
0:22:54 | Producer Segment: “squirrel!” iso from Pixar’s Up |
0:34:50 | Hillary “Lucifer” Clinton; Donald Trump to The View: “why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?”, “terrible pail that’s hanging over him”, Whoopi Goldberg plays the race card, JCD: “sounds like a henhouse”, Whoopi’s seven-year weight cycle, Crown Books’ Herbert Haft |
0:43:07 | ACC in search of an RV for eight-week Hot Pockets Across America Tour |
0:46:51 | Obama “you can take that to the bank” broken promise montage; American Empire Before the Fall author Bruce Fein martial law scenario, “I think you all would agree nothing would happen”, Congressional dereliction of duty on military action; Obama Council of Governors, Louisville KY emergency response plan allowing property seizure; Second Circuit vs due process; Bruce Fein rant: AUMF “the first time in history that we declared war against a tactic” |
1:04:17 | London austerity riots and one-pence gasoline price cut; Smedley Butler’s War Is a Racket |
1:10:08 | The Event season finale throws Posse Comitatus Act under the bus; Reagan and Kennedy assassination plots in the air; Gaddafi’s Obama-JFK parallel with Israeli nuclear weapons and WMDs; Le Figaro outs Sarkozy as Mossad agent, Valerie Jarrett reveals Jewish roots; Gerald Celente: “would the United States be in Iraq if their major export was broccoli?” |
1:20:15 | Donation Segment: JCD recommends ShadowStats for real unemployment number of 22.5% |
1:33:54 | 611 Folsom Street home of AT&T’s MI6 fiber optic splitters and Exotic Escorts |
1:37:57 | And Now Back to Real News: Lady Gaga on Fukushima charity album; Las Vegas DA who prosecuted Paris Hilton arrested for buying cocaine; Warner Brothers’ Alan Horn ousted |
1:41:48 | European Banking Authority; Obama speech to distract from Federal Reserve recipient disclosure; Nigel Farage: EU all-in on Libyan regime change; Warren Buffett hiding from Goldman Sachs, “a lot of adjustment needed” if euro collapses, “we’re watching an interesting play” |
1:57:18 | No uproar over GE’s $3.2bn tax refund; more Bruce Fein for end of show; Duke Professor Bruce Lawrence on Osama bin Laden’s fake 9/11 confession tape, al-Awlaki’s Pentagon brunch |
2:03:17 | Producer note on Allegra-juice interaction hype and cheaper OTC status; FedEx Chantix ban |
2:05:09 | UK considering raising carbon tax; Connie Hedegaard targeting oil shale; Madonna’s Malawi girls’ school foundation implodes; Bones to explore “foots” on shore; Bank of America hacked |
2:08:15 | Shadow Puppet Theater: Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib Chief Psychiatrist Dr. Larry James |
2:09:56 | IBM Watson language understanding ad, “Jew Sorting Machine”; Paralympics profit squabble |
2:14:23 | Newt Gingrich’s bogus list of 18% who don’t believe in American exceptionalism (JCDPPotD) |
2:17:51 | Dutch politician Frank van der Vorst accidentally tweets instead of DM’s “as you throbbingly climax for the first time I feel your juices in my mouth as if they were the nectar of love” |