0:00:00 | JCD: “The Twitter thing doesn’t work.” (0:13:23 ) |
0:00:33 | Low-energy JCD “pickpocketed and lost my passport”, ACC: “what was the whore’s name?”, bumped into by “annoying old lady”, American Express open and American embassy closed, hung up on by Delta 800 number; State Department procedure for “attempting to enter the United States without a passport” vs official head-scratching, ACC: “then you’ll be found in a dumpster”; “four hours and counting” for @DeltaAssist on Twitter |
0:13:40 | Wisconsin collective bargaining protests “like Tahrir Square”; producer theorizes Obama stammer is The King’s Speech Oscar promotion |
0:15:53 | White House weekly address on location at Intel assembly line, CEO Paul Otellini chosen for advisory panel with Immelt; West Wing Week invades middle school, “I am convinced that if we outbuild, out-innovate, and out-educate, as well as out-hustle the rest of the world” |
0:21:24 | JCD: “all Hell’s breaking loose” in Libya, Bahrain Formula One race, Madrid housing protest with “really annoying” police whistles à la The Night of the Triffids, all-Spain protest on 30th, unemployment up to 40%, mostly Chinese goods at flea market |
0:27:01 | Producer Segment: PR Associate noagenda.ca |
0:34:52 | Europeans “worried sick” over New York City’s outdoor smoking ban and companies not hiring smokers; homeless man in Belfast jail for one week; Council of Europe’s Court of Human Rights reprimands UK for not allowing prisoners to vote |
0:41:04 | Inside Job documentary, Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone article “Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?” |
0:44:49 | Obama “one year from now” Gitmo closure Executive Order; Robert Gates to Sen. Kelly Ayotte: “the prospects for closing Guantánamo, as best I can tell, are very, very low” |
0:53:55 | ACC: Hillary Clinton’s “then the government pulled the plug” internet freedom speech “code”, COICA Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, right channel turned down to cover up former CIA Veterans for Peace protestor beaten up and dragged from chamber |
0:59:05 | Obama dinner with Silicon Valley elites at John Doerr’s place, Microsoft absent, JCD: event “beneath Gates”, ACC: Zuckerberg “not a reptile”; Baracka Flocka Flame shot at |
1:07:24 | John P. Wheeler’s widow voices two-to-the-head suspicions, JCD: “it’ll be a car accident” |
1:09:09 | Donation Segment |
1:24:02 | And Now Back to Real News: Larry King asserts Piers Morgan was oversold; trade gap expands 33%, live rescue of 33 Chilean miners supplemented with B-roll due to “Pegasus” malfunction, marijuana and porn in mine; 1900 guests invited to Royal “Prince Jim” wedding |
1:31:54 | Potential “cookie-cutter revolt” in Russia; Barclay’s sit-ins; US Army full-auto rubber bullets |
1:36:59 | Security firm HBGary’s social media infiltration services leaked; FBI general counsel Valerie Caproni all-in on back doors; customs “digital inspections” on the rise |
1:40:34 | Propaganda “documentary” on invasion of France by Muslim immigrants, failure of multiculturalism, police “no go areas”, civil war prediction; ACC’s Mexican housekeeper, JCD story: 80 kilometers of empty Spanish toll road built with EU money |
1:56:28 | Propaganda speech by Salt Institute scientist on salt reduction increasing blood pressure in some, dietary guidelines “instrument of discriminatory policy”, development of insulin resistance, “innate salt appetite” and obesity; JCD on filling up on salty Iberian ham |
2:06:01 | Biodiversitée: John Holdren gripes about not passing cap and trade; climate model insider on upcoming use of IBM Watson; ACC: peak oil the perfect global warming solution |
2:14:30 | Evergreen Aviation promo “weather modification; No Comment TV; G20 irked at China |