0:00:00 | JCD: “Holy crap, this thing is huge!” (1:22:42 ) |
0:00:38 | JCD on Miss America 2011 “piece of crap”, questions from man on the street with background casino sign, Washington on political party rivalries: “I think that we should take after Miss America and love one another and try to compromise”; winner Nebraska on Wikileaks: “when it came to that situation it was actually based on espionage”, “focus on security first and then people’s right to know”; Pentecostal palms-to-the-sky and double Nazi salute (JCDPPotD) |
0:14:08 | Producer Segment: ACC’s Time Warner producers to the rescue; Jimmy Wales’ “ugly mug”; PR Associate Maynard: JCD “a big fan of deregulating the salami industry”, “if you want to eat some salami in the morning”, “I’m concerned about fluoride being a mind control drug” |
0:25:28 | Tragedy in Tucson: Meet the Press “meds” and precrime memes; victim Eric Fuller involuntarily committed for “you’re dead” at town hall; Bernard-Henri Levy with outrageous French accent to Parker Spitzer on “American love for guns”, victim Christina Green born on 9/11, “I can go in a shop and buy just filling a little form”, “I tried”; ACC’s Iranian hairdresser all-in on disarming the crazies; Pat Leahy: “I would not want Vermont laws to be in an urban area”; ACC predicts “guns across America”; Levy: “we are guardians of the words” |
0:41:57 | Tennessee man arrested for threat to Rep. Phil Roe, sister’s comparison to Loughner, “suffered from delusions and always thought the government was out to get him”, JCD: “he’s in jail, they’re out to get him and they got him!”, laws to allow family to “step in and help”, roster of crazies shooting up Tennessee, “thought the government had implanted a microchip inside his head”; Mimi’s theory about Oregon’s “old hippies” resisting federal presence, Christmas = terrorism meme, Montana passing states rights laws; Loughner’s abovetopsecret.com posts |
0:53:37 | Hollywood Whackers: Michael Russell lawsuit over Golden Globes payola |
0:56:36 | Marine producer note on Reserve Corps readiness for martial law enforcement, Twenty-Nine Palms survey question on forcible disarmament of citizenry; JCD on people believing Martin Luther King and Harriet Tubman freed the slaves; ACC on true purpose of Second Amendment |
1:02:47 | GAO sting operation on FDA human trial for bogus “Adhesiabloc” device from fake company headed by April Phuls, Timothy Witless, and Alan Ruse in Chetesville, Arizona |
1:07:16 | JCD “No Agenda glossary”, term “isolated incident” omitted from Tucson coverage |
1:10:14 | Donation Segment: Pope John Paul II halfway to Sainthood due to Parkinson’s miracle cure |
1:22:58 | GMO bird flu resistant chickens; WTO attempting to gobble up poor countries’ farmland, Tunisian food riots, UN FAO “danger territory”; JCD on “organic ingredients” protein bar scam; British Soil Association scientist irked over “vaccinated” branding for GMOs; Georgia Guidestones and 500M world population target revisited, “guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and (bio)diversitée”, JCD: “I thought the last one was eat more chicken” |
1:35:53 | NPR on North Korean military massed near DMZ, JCD mocks “prospect of surprise attack” |
1:39:41 | Queensland using Thai cloud seeding technology; USGS ARkStorm scenario, The Flood movie |
1:48:08 | Biodiversitée: global warming in 3000 AD according to computer model |
1:50:24 | Producer note on next generation of ATMs running Windows; Dutch “PINning is winning” |
1:55:47 | Call of Duty “it was their attempt at MKULTRA!” for JFK assassination |
1:58:23 | And Now Back to Real News: Extra weekly wrap; “everyone was terrified of Doug” |
2:00:48 | Anna Politkovskaya documentary on Putin’s rise to power, “Russian people are slaves” |
2:03:48 | Drones for Mexico border; Robocop and The Running Man; No Agenda Roku channel |
2:10:18 | Kardashians shilling for MS Office; JCD’s Force compiler; Eric Bogosian for end of show |