Call Clooney!

269 Time Warner Sucks (2011-01-13)

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0:00:00Voice on phone: “No, the next (inaudible) appointment is this Saturday.” (2:05:32)
0:00:51ACC “battling Time Warner Cable” over connectivity issues, JCD: “this episode’s brought to you by Comcast”; JCD on beef-buying PDF and need for chest freezer
0:12:17CVC’s ticketless adventure on LA Metro resulting in $189 “bail”, JCD: “welcome to California”
0:16:26Producer Segment
0:22:37Gabby Giffords subscribing to channel of three-name shooter Jared Lee Loughner, affair theory; Nightline on lucid dreaming obsession, JCD’s “floatin’ around” lucid dream, Inception iPhone app promotion, 2012 Mayan prophecy, question for Giffords “what is government if words have no meaning?”; ACC: “it’s like they were waiting for this” to advance precrime agenda, JCD on Ronald Reagan closing mental institutions due to liberal pressure
0:33:37Greg Gutfeld on “creepy ditty” They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!, refusal of psychiatric drugs “the result: Saturday”, “he was an internet troll in real skin”, “it is mental illness that prevents the mentally ill from seeking help for his mental illness”, JCD: “who is this fascist?”, “I’d rather get these folks on meds before they get us with bullets”
0:39:41Obama “Gabby opened her eyes for the first time” lie, JCD on Mussolini chin-jerk, Giffords both CFR members; new family DNA “tool” to be used in search for Kensington Strangler, JCD on TV “trace the call” crimefighting technologies; Lucy Napolitano’s “incendiary device”
0:49:18Bloomberg’s Al Hunt to BBC’s Katty Kay on Loughner’s rejection by military due to drug use, purchase of Glock 19 with “clip of 30 bullets in it” lie, 70-80% in favor of gun control “without even seeing a survey I can guarantee you of that”, JCD: “did he say what I thought he said?!”, Second Amendment repeal, Hunt on guns used for self-defense “though that’s really rare”, Kay: “the Supreme Court may start relaxing gun control laws even further” URL shortener;
1:12:38Donation Segment
1:30:00Glenn Beck’s 33 years on the air, 33 killed in Sudan skirmishes, diesel at $3.333 per gallon newsreader Doug promo “news and weather on the threes”
1:35:26Producer note on Oklahoma meteor crater in Mississippi field, “for a place with no crater there sure were a lot of law enforcement officers in the area and had all the roads closed off”, JCD on high monetary value of meteor chunks, Natural History Museum specimens
1:38:50BBC on Romanian starling die-off due to alcohol poisoning from wine-making process
1:42:30Eisenhower’s “military industrial complex” farewell speech for end of show
1:44:33One-year anniversary of Haiti earthquake; Clinton Foundation “happy Haitians” video lauding “whopping” $11.5M allocation; Manigat-Martelly runoff election
1:49:50And Now Back to Real News: “Golden Voice” Ted Williams’ “dark second chapter”, HLN on Dr. Phil’s “90 meetings in 90 days”, “doing one Kraft commercial is only one gig”
1:57:10JCD on Hollywood Whackers and F. Lee Bailey asserting O.J. Simpson innocence; Michael Jackson’s doctor about to go on trial, ACC predicts suicide conclusion
2:01:16Pfizer Chantix shortage and Japanese cigarette tax increase; Rotterdam Monsanto fire first responders all sick, government observers cowering in airtight vehicle
2:04:38ACC takes call from Time Warner Cable on tethering phone
2:09:34German hookers working “off the books” and for the elderly and disabled; new ID cards hacked; Jean-Claude Trichet’s speech opening remarks in German, ACC: “Reich 4.0”
2:17:50ACC recommends “outstanding film” The King’s Speech; Guns and Weed: the Road to Freedom