Call Clooney!

268 Mavericks of Media (2011-01-09)

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0:00:00JCD: “Congresswoman Bono has her breasts exposed in a photo?” (0:33:09)
0:00:37New stream and chat infrastructure; JCD back from Las Vegas, no hotel hookers, “hi I’m Raven”, Mexican kids passing out hooker business cards, AT&T network overload
0:06:08Government going after WikiLeaks records including Twitter follower information
0:09:14Producer Segment: Linux bat signal; chatroom “Doug” bot
0:15:42National {Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention, Stalking Awareness} Month
0:18:42Facebook’s fastest-growing demographic aged 74 and older
0:20:06ACC on Tucson shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords eclipsing deaths of young people in Iraq and Afghanistan ignore by Obama; CNN and Fox heavy-hitters brought in immediately; “Lucy Judge” John Roll dead; rambling Shepard Smith on false exchange of gunfire story, shooter Jared Loughner rejected by US Army, “will we find out why he was rejected? uh-huh, someone will leak that”; Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: “that may be free speech, but it’s not without consequences”, liberal blame for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin
0:31:38Rep. Mary Bono Mack lesbian breast-licking photo scandal eclipsed by shooting; Obamacare repeal vote postponed; Obama address under Abraham Lincoln portrait
0:38:02“Rudimentary” incendiary package sent to Lucy Napolitano, Los Angeles Times “vendetta” meme; “did you buy the flashlight and the batteries?” PSAs; Sen. Chuck Grassley to Anderson Cooper on Pentagon and NSA child pornography downloads, blackmail fodder for foreign intelligence operations, “some other names” code, ICE Project Flicker
0:51:06Shadow Puppet Theater: former banker and CFR member Chief of Staff William Daley, NEC National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling involved in Glass-Steagall repeal
0:57:27Paltry $78bn in defense cuts over five years, Dennis Kucinich on Pentagon tendency to “lose track of taxpayers’ money”, Andrew Napolitano “sacred cow” rant; 9/10/2001 Rumsfeld $2.3T revisited; Obamacare “press extravaganza” and skewed Kaiser Family Foundation poll
1:02:36“Tragedy in Tucson” prompts Fox medical consultant to call for involuntary commitment for pre-crime “homicidal ideation”; Tucson local affiliate KGUN, JCD: “shootin’ you the news!”
1:07:58Donation Segment: “Mavericks of Media”
1:19:19“Mother ship” on video sitting on Lima Peru; George Clooney’s girlfriend’s butt
1:22:08South Sudan independence referendum beginning; South Korean foot-and-mouth outbreak on heels of free trade agreement encourage imports of US beef; ACC’s free beef half from producers, JCD on US products devolving to second-rate
1:28:35Honeywell T-Hawk drone to be used by Miami-Dade Police Department
1:31:00EPA and H&HS lower recommended water fluoridation level to 0.7 mg/L
1:34:57Food riots in Algeria, Kenya deaths from starvation “hunger-related causes”, FAO price index
1:37:47Risperdal side effect gynecomastia “causing boys to grow breasts”; sleepwalker Jared Loughner
1:40:54TSA claiming naked body scan equivalent to “one hour of normal background radiation”
1:44:40From Enlightenment To Endarkenment author Graeme Maxton’s anti-capitalist rant on CNBC; ACC’s Stephen Hawking sighting at Mondrian Hotel; “peak water” meme, Kardashians ditch predatory credit card; ghost cities of China; Roseanne bitches to Joy Behar about capitalism
2:02:04Virgin Atlantic Illuminati video; dioxin in German poultry; Rotterdam glyphosate fire, coffee shop closings; Brazilian national ID card with fingerprint information; Dutch “chip grandma”
2:09:16JCD “bad eyesight theory” for dead birds in Arkansas, New Year’s Eve radar image
2:15:42Show notes magic number 33s; Robert Gibbs replacement; JCD’s earthquake escape to Reno