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250 Transportation Sexual Assault (TSA) (2010-11-04)

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0:00:00JCD: “Do they have some special privilege … that they can grope people?” (0:36:42)
0:00:38In the morning to boots on the ground, no Show 250 promotion, $99.99 quad-niner donation with ACC “niner niner niner niner!”; ACC at San Francisco hotel with mobile rig
0:05:13Producer Segment
0:08:49Gitmo Nation National Anthem sing-along, ACC predicts singing at women’s field hockey, JCD “just as they finish up they all turn around, bend over, and pull their shorts down”; producer shownotes migration script and accessibility work
0:13:56“Huge lobbying group” American Public Transportation Association survey shows majority favor high speed rail; MSNBC’s Chris Matthews shills for “rapid rail”, “countries that are booming are building rail”, JCD: “because these are countries that were living in mud huts about five years ago!”, “that requires eminent domain, all kinds of things”, 300 mph claim
0:26:57Lubbock TX aviation director James Loomis on TSA “enhanced screening techniques”: “patted down is a term that confuses me”, “they’re touching genitalia, and it’s wrong … they are not law enforcement officers”, “there’s no probable cause just because you bought an airline ticket”, councilwoman not allowed to ask follow-up question; JCD proposes sexual assault charge, snappy comebacks to idiotic TSA questions, Aric the Shill: need story about TSA pedophiles
0:42:29JCD on TSA employees not allowed to wear radiation dosimeters; UCSF physics professors write letter expressing concern about health effects; TSA discovers handguns in checked luggage at Orlando International Airport, man on the street “that’s great!”
0:50:50And Now Back to Real News: Salman Rushdie irked over Cat Stevens performing at Jon Stewart rally after calling for his murder; JCD surprised at Lee Westwood at #1 golf ranking
0:58:12Christchurch aftershock just prior to Hillary Clinton’s arrival, Modified Mercalli Intensity scale, AP writer notes earthquakes follow in her footsteps, announcement of no 2012 presidential run, Prime Minister’s “President Clinton”; Obama’s weapons sales to India and Pakistan for US jobs, India after H-1B Social Security; Clinton’s close ties with Tata Consultancy offshoring operation; ACC on Pakistan’s key role in getting US oil from Afghanistan to India
1:14:21Donation Segment
1:26:32NPR ombudsman blames American Public Media for Monsanto ads, APM “advertisers” pitch
1:35:04UC Davis Building the Green Economy summit with Harrison Ford, Morning Glory opening
1:41:03Kaiser Permanente internal memo celebrating flu shot world record, Hawaii “roving shot cart”, “shot buses” for seniors, ACC: “we load those fuckers in a bus and shoot ’em up with shit!
1:44:35Sleazy Joe Miller insists Lisa Murkowski’s name be spelled correctly on write-in ballots; media victory in defeat of Proposition 19, JCD: “like watching the movie Idiocracy
1:52:21Mythbusters .06% blood alcohol experiment; UK study blames beer for macular degeneration; Lil Wayne not allowed alcohol for three years as condition of parole
2:00:03End-of-show clip of chemist Niels Harrit on World Trade Center destruction; US warned about “al-Qaeda in Yemen” plot; No Agenda “250 Program” vs TSA
2:05:12Producer note on aspartame-free Fruit Stripe gum; Disney Channel “magic of healthy living” with Michelle Obama and “veggies” meme, JCD: “what a crock of crap!”
2:07:54Boston Globe Haiti ten months later photos; Bill Clinton laughing “all we need from people … we just need cash”; Haitians “ignored warnings” to flee tents in face of Hurricane Tomas; supermodel Petra Němcová shilling for Happy Hearts Fund, real estate developer Colliers International, JCD: “hey Petra … go lookin’ for spots where maybe a good hotel could go up!”