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231 Who’s Retarded Now? (2010-09-02)

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0:00:00ACC: “No Agenda Show: strong bloody violence and nudity throughout the movie, anal leakage may occur, see it now!” (1:41:02)
0:00:3813th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death celebrated by Chinese lingerie company billboard
0:02:56New Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion; presidential BP subpoena power opposed by Ron Paul
0:07:46Producer Segment: upcoming Knight ring meeting
0:13:34Obama “Operation Iraqi Freedom is over” speech, John McCain on “lack of generosity of spirit” toward Bush; military producer note on Operation New Dawn a clear combat mission; Tony Blair’s new book lauds Bush as “very sharp”, Cheney’s ambitions toward Syria & Iran; Hannity gripes about lack of victory announcement; renamed “Advise and Assist Brigade”
0:22:20Richard Engel irks Rachel Madcow with “no mention of democracy”, security forces without a government, “Shiite failed sectarian corrupt oil patronage state, a basket case”
0:32:563.3 earthquake in JCD’s neck of the woods
0:34:59Jimmy Kimmel ridicules Tennessee candidate Basil Marceaux, ACC: “this is laughing about retards”, Civil Rights Act of 1866 and arresting police, “a lot of people in the past that had controversy end up dead”; Peter McFarland tased by Marin County deputies, “stop resisting!”
0:48:47Bill O’Reilly panel ridicules “scumbag” Arkansas man asserting his rights when cops arrest him for calling them Nazis, ACC: “I’m buyin’ a gun here”; O’Reilly guests delighted with “within their rights” ICE “your papers please” on trains near Canadian border, Gestapo “great guys”; ACC’s DMV thumbprint adventures and “learner’s permit”, JCD tip: turn right onto near lane; illegal to smoke in car with minor, $1000 for throwing out butt or gum wrapper
1:00:49Donation Segment: Harry Shearer on NPR Hurricane Katrina censorship
1:19:23Dutch holding two Yemenis on suspicion of terrorism, “mobile phones were taped”, ACC mimics Dutch English, “in a few days it will be made public, and they will be charged”; US agents lurking at Roissy Airport in “Gitmo Nation Stinky Cheese”; ACC: “false flag alert”
1:24:40US attempting to extradite FEMA videographer turned 9/11 whistleblower Kurt Sonnenfeld from Argentina for wife’s two-to-the-head
1:29:34Trains Good Planes Bad: Zappos shoes “people should travel by train more often” ad; producer note on canned disaster announcements; Qantas captain on engine explosion: “we are trained for this situation … in a simulator, of course”; USA Today on role of simulators in air fatalities, article by train shill Alan Levin; shill Ashley Halsey blames air traffic controllers
1:38:49Machete film “strong bloody violence throughout, language, some sexual content, and nudity”
1:41:24NCIS: LA incompetent local police vs brilliant feds; JCD on EPA “bumbling boneheads”
1:45:3015 U.S.C. §9A “weather modification activities or attempts”; Wellness Underground podcast on Burzynski, the Movie on fight with FDA over cure for brain cancer, drug evaluation fees from big pharma; $100 for fighting Washington speeding ticket
1:53:42Ninth human severed foot in three years washes ashore in Pacific Northwest
1:57:43“Vattooing” vagina tattooing
1:59:00Hostage situation at Discovery Communications building, ACC: $3bn “Ministry of Truth” in Silver Springs Maryland, James Lee MS Word “manifesto”; Sir Paul
2:07:25Morning Joe Scarborough “outs” Friendly’s, “I think all restaurants should be required to put calorie counts next to it”, JCD: “oh, what an asshole!”, calorimeter procedure
2:13:04Hannity five-minute segment on “cap and trade charade” for end of show
2:14:06Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s recent purchase of $23.1M in Monsanto stock