0:00:00 | ACC: “Have you ever seen The Vagina Monologues?” (1:42:45 ) |
0:00:34 | ACC’s nature walk at reservoir, “I could’ve thrown anything in there” |
0:02:32 | Producer Segment: Sir Paul Couture Knight ring designs |
0:11:09 | “Ann Coulter wannabe” Laura Ingraham on 9/11 “victory mosque” plans, no mention of Bloomberg’s assertion she was in favor, “talking points” inconsistency; buildingwhat.org Judge Edward Lehner WTC 7 reference |
0:19:45 | Obama weekly address “responsibly ending the Iraq War”, bases “closed or turned over to Iraq”, “the bottom line is this: the war is ending”; JCD on “James Bond of India” and ISI-CIA-Taliban collusion “corrupt mess”; Pakistani sites accusing CIA of causing floods |
0:25:10 | National Preparedness Month ready.gov , crappy FEMA video series, “our family just volunteered on our community emergency response team” part of Citizen Corps program, FEMA “grassroots strategy”, JCD: “it’s an oxymoron”, ACC: “shut up slave, get on the train!” |
0:33:10 | Trains Good Planes Bad: California requiring French high-speed rail companies to disclose records of concentration camp deliveries; New York Times reporter Ed Black goes into detail on IBM’s Hollerith card sorting machines for Nazi Germany; Center for Urban Infrastructure gives away Bakersfield-Fresno freight plan, “air rights” for parking; water landing alert on British Airways flight triggered by mistake; ghost hunter killed by train on North Carolina trestle, JCD: “there’s an extra ghost now”; JetBlue tire fire in Sacramento |
0:43:23 | Producer note on sysadmin work making Mexican ID cards for Carlos Slim in Tijuana, “we’re putting loopholes in the system”, ACC: developers “have some Crackpot-Buzzkill in them” |
0:46:18 | Jane Mayer New Yorker hit piece on the Koch Brothers’ “war on Obama”, extols George Soros’ work to defeat George W. Bush |
0:48:59 | Donation Segment: JCD on Washington speeding tickets; Family Jewels “hookers and blow” |
1:04:41 | NPR pre-roll ad roulette, Jane Mayer to Terry Gross: Kochs “hard-line libertarians; secret Democrat strategy meeting at Aspen Institute organized by chairman of NPR advertiser Progressive, Koch money for Nova and ACLU; JCD on Mevio lunch and Koch ”Swift Boat“ associative propaganda, roster of Fresh Air loaded terms ”private agenda“ and ”astroturf“ |
1:18:49 | Greenpeace report on funding for “climate change machine” with Getty belching smokestack images, Heritage Foundation “misinterprets science and policy regarding the climate”; Democracy Now Koch media hit with identical talking points, “their ideological network is known as the Kochtopus”, flimsy outrage over formaldehyde business |
1:31:17 | Triangular UFO crash in Fresno; new meme “utricity” from urine |
1:33:05 | Briefcase-buying advice from character on AMC drama Rubicon: “clasps, not zippers!” |
1:36:32 | Sentenced to military service for Facebook post; EPA outlaws lead bullets and sinkers; Cleveland RFID recycling bins; “Blest” plastic-to-oil machine’s explosive depolymerization gases |
1:41:01 | Pulled Summer’s Eve “how to ask for a raise” ad; The Vagina Monologues douche segment |
1:45:00 | Michael Clarke: be afraid of “lone wolf” released prisoners radicalized in jail; Canadian “homegrown terror cell” communicating via public library computers, IED “components”, arrestee on Canadian Idol singing Avril Lavigne, ACC: “breeding ground for terrorists!” |
1:50:58 | Senate Republicans object to hearing bill giving Congress subpoena power over BP |
1:57:13 | United Egg Producers eggsafety.org video, “beak trimming” to prevent cannibalism |
2:02:09 | And Now Back to Real News: sex tape with Karissa Shannon and Heidi Montag |
2:04:02 | ACC to appear with “contrarian view” on TWiT with Kevin Rose and Robert Scoble |