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214 MAFIFA (2010-07-04)

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0:00:00JCD: “I love the World Cup made of coke.” (0:31:42)
0:00:39Pocket No Agenda “in the morning” bat signal; ACC reading Declaration of Independence to Micky, “kid” King George lowering taxes but enforcing them, “rabble rouser” Thomas Paine’s Common Sense; JCD on fireworks store “hand grenades”, “Keystone Cops” Afghan soldiers
0:09:07Producer Segment: No Agenda demographic survey results
0:17:58Home shopping “puker” swallowing “opportunities”, NASA “what’s up in the Milky Way!”
0:21:57And Now Back to Real News: AP changes Paris Hilton marijuana story to omit “special FIFA World Cup court”; Dutch women busted for wearing orange clothing with Bavaria beer tags; Brazil & Argentina lose rigged games, JCD predicts Netherlands win over Germany, ACC predicts Spain win because of political turmoil
0:30:06Nothing to See Here: replica World Cup trophy made of 11 kilos of cocaine seized in Colombia, 31-meter drug trafficking submarine found in Ecuador
0:32:11Andrea Tantaros on scrubbing Petraeus criticism in wake of Obama ’s endorsement; BBC on Russian spies nabbed by FBI “hiding secret messages with codes and even invisible ink”, ACC on probable movie promotion, White House dinner crasher Michaele Salahi cast for The Real Housewives of D.C., “military entertainment complex”
0:38:43West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd dead at 92, C-SPAN turning off cameras, Bill Clinton eulogy “fleeting association with the Klu Klux Klan”; JCD on Byrd infiltrating civic group meetings with fiddle-playing ability; White House West Wing Week reality show for end of show
0:47:35Emergency war supplemental bill passed with $1.12T 2011 budget amendment; Harry Dent and Paul Krugman predicting crash; UN again calling for SDR currency, producer note on plane ticket with liabilities in SDRs “sidders”; EU Central Bank €2T in the hole; JCD on daunting task of managing an operation the size of Foxconn
0:57:17Obnoxious new police siren “the rumbler”, “a little vibration in the seats in the car”, ACC: “this is just steps away from a pain weapon”, JCD: “just blow up the guy’s liver!”
1:00:58Mythbusters’ Adam Savage on RFID episode torpedoed by credit card companies
1:05:44Donation Segment
1:12:30ACC on proposed smartphone app to capture data on off-route “strange contrails”
1:16:01Trains Good Planes Bad: Siemens setting up its own bank, JCD: “we need the No Agenda bank”; Deutsche Bahn planning routes to Southern France & UK, Singapore “go green with SMRT” campaign; New York Times on Cameron nixing third Heathrow runway “to aid climate”, “binge flying” meme; “High Speed Rail as religion” blog post; North Carolina study on losing weight thanks to trains; Terrafugia “roadable aircraft”
1:26:36Drunk boater involved in deadly New York crash; Dutch using “big business” interlock devices
1:30:04CNN on reduced lifespan of those cleaning up “Exxon Val-dezz” spill, BP “band-aids and aspirin”; Anderson Cooper irked about BP and Coast Guard trampling First Amendment; Sen. Obama berating Petraeus; Obama lies about border security in spite of El Paso massacre
1:39:36Mel Gibson caught on tape berating girlfriend with “n-word”
1:40:21California state workers in danger of having pay reduced to minimum wage
1:42:03TSA internet site block list for July 1: “criminal activity” and “controversial opinion”
1:43:46Fiction writer Glenn Beck: fiction writers “many times way, way, way ahead of the time”
1:45:12WMD whistleblower David Kelly autopsy released; The Telegraph: nearly-dead Lockerbie bomber “could survive for ten years or more”; Daily Source Code plans