0:00:00 | ACC: “Eeeehh, it’s very iiinteresting!” (0:33:52 ) |
0:00:37 | The Real L Word lesbian reality show an overhyped dud, ACC “totally lame” |
0:03:34 | Producer Segment: Micky mentions Afghan poppy crop in acting class; letsvoteforjobs.com |
0:10:34 | G20 Toronto summit’s billion-dollar security; CFTR AM boots on the ground at “burning police cruiser”, cell phone cameras vs police, media satellite trucks absent; five-member panel approves “your papers please” policy; JCD: “these meetings should be on islands” |
0:18:09 | 19-hour session to approve “Federal Reserve Empowerment Act”, Obama “let me be clear”, “toughest consumer financial protections in our history”, “six hundred trillion dollar derivatives market”, ACC: “we don’t even flinch at a billion any more, for some cops”, “resolution authority” for more bailouts; JCD on Harry Dent August economic collapse theory |
0:28:52 | Greece selling off islands to pay back IMF, privateislandsonline.com |
0:33:38 | Belgian archbishop raided over child sex abuse allegations, ACC on seized evidence: “I can’t even say it on the show”; Vatican: searches “surprising and deplorable”; 1996 Belgian “White March” over Dutroux Affair, German documentary on 18 dead witnesses; only Extra willing to mention Al Gore and masseuse, safe deposit box “DNA evidence!”, Gore replaced by BP |
0:44:08 | Celebrity telethon for Haiti with Justin Bieber; BBC Panorama Deepwater Horizon timeline “drilling this deep is dangerous”, ACC on Russians capping “mother lode” with atom bomb, Transocean’s Jimmy Harrell “I told you this was gonna happen”; Washington Post on potential Gulf Coast evacuation, CDC warning away pregnant women; only BP able to afford insurance |
0:57:35 | Denialism author Michael Specter: “proven fact” Methuselah lived to 38, Colbert “what??”; unvaccinated children “23 times” more likely to get whooping cough, California “epidemic”; chronic fatigue ME/CFS/CFIDS, blood bank refusing donations, link to XMRV virus |
1:02:00 | Donation Segment: NewsHour “big three” advertiser rundown: BoA, Chevron, BNSF |
1:08:55 | Nixon’s “shutdown” Executive Order 11490; JCD on permanent orange alert; AirTran orders girl to throw two-inch pet turtle in trash; school science curriculum proposes enriched aviation fuel as “sunscreen”; BBC on secret airborne biological warfare tests, ACC: “chemtrails are real” |
1:16:59 | Arizona geography lesson for idiot Milwaukee County Supervisor promoting boycott; Bay Buchanan on female college graduates refusing entry-level jobs; “bullshit” marketing communications degree, ubiquitous “axe you a question” and 2500-word vocabularies |
1:29:09 | Buchanan on Obama and Mexican President criticizing Arizona, “weak position to take” |
1:32:45 | Dutch Justice Minister recommends “Jews as bait” with yarmulke-wearing police; Blacklisted by History author M. Stanton Evans to Glenn Beck on Roosevelt promising Stalin a meeting with King Saud and turning over US Jews; anti-Semitism accusations “at the drop of a hat” |
1:43:41 | Teaser for Nova “The Spy Factory” hit piece on NSA: “how did the NSA miss 9/11?” |
1:45:55 | Milwaukee frozen custard shop manager asks Joe Biden for lower taxes, gets called a “smartass” |
1:47:35 | Employees at two LA medical marijuana dispensaries killed in robberies, Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske predicts California legalization will cause “more problems than it solves”, obnoxious Shep Smith “oh yes”, ACC predicts California “no” and “Lindsay Lohan toke-a-thon bracelet” |
1:52:38 | National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace; fatherhood.gov tips; JCD gripes about “grimy” reusable bags; EPA classifies milk as “oil”; FDA evaluating GMO salmon; LA Times equates salt and cigarettes; US gains access to EU SWIFT banking data |
2:05:26 | And Now Back to Real News: Extra teaser; Obama post-McChrystal “brilliant” compilation |
2:07:59 | John Oliver The Daily Show World Cup 2010 interviews for end of show |