Call Clooney!

200 The Deuce! (2010-05-16)

Show 200 album art
0:00:00JCD: “They opened fire for public safety? It’s a frigging deer!” (2:06:17)
0:00:39200th episode congratulations, Show 200.5 “after-party”; ACC’s new studio gear
0:02:40Producer Segment: record-breaking $1234.56
0:09:48JCD retracts Codex Alimentarius skepticism due to Iowa raw milk case, “plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish”; McCain trying to bring dietary supplements under FDA jurisdiction; New England Journal of Medicine equates salt with smoking, Heinz ketchup 15% less salt “new recipe”, JCD “you were using high fructose corn syrup in 1970?” letter; producer draws parallel with Fight Club oxygen masks; JCD on high-end salt fad, Jacques Pépin’s “a little salt”, salt tip of the day: fleur de sel and sel fumée
0:29:24KCRW’s Left, Right & Center cuts off Arianna Huffington after mentioning TSA X-ray cancer
0:34:57Isabel Allende to Tavis Smiley on writing historical nonfiction: “it’s always white men who do that”, black historians “usually men”, JCD: “what a crock of crap!”
0:40:35CVC’s appearance on De Nieuwe Uri Geller, JCD: “don’t date an actress”; British Airways strike dictated from on high; Obama to high-speed rail shill: “and you wouldn’t have to take off your shoes” vs CNN al-Qaeda target “the busiest commuter railroad in the United States”; “Buffalo cougar” Luann Haley “hottie with a smokin’ little body” pick-up line
0:50:45Soap opera “it starts, in the morning”
0:51:40Obama weekly address on Federal Reserve Empowerment Act Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act, “misleading rhetoric”; Citizens Bank founding fathers “good banking is good citizenship” ad, JCD: “it’s more of an indictment of the educational system: dad, what’s growth?
1:00:07Honey Bunches of Oats “the magic is in the mix” ad, ACC: “now with more Crackpot flakes!”
1:01:22Donation Segment: Show 2005 “inside baseball”
1:12:38Rainbow clouds over Los Angeles, Luke Thomas’
1:15:20Two-to-the-head: UK’s “Intellectual Property address” Stephen Timms stabbed; Thai General Khattiya Sawatdiphol shot in head during interview, Goldman Sachs barricaded
1:20:19Glenn Beck on Elena Kagan writing on government “unskewing” media, “most dangerous man in America” Cass Sunstein’s conspiracy theory tax
1:27:33Arnold Schwarzenegger commencement speech opening with movie quote compilation
1:28:34BP oil spill: bogus C-SPAN “pointing the finger” voice-over; Obama on holding BP responsible, companies “falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else”; foreign companies expanding Gulf operations; BP America CEO and Rep. Maria Cantwell script on paying “legitimate claims”; ACC on oil inventory pump and dump cycle; JCD bacterial oil production theory; Mikhail Prokhorov, Pincus Green and Iran’s huge oil refinery (ACCPPotD)
1:49:23Law & Order off air over cap and trade “racket” script, Sharon Stone bad acting, “well, a guy named Miranda ruined that for both of us” propaganda
1:52:19And Now Back to Real News: Showtime Darker Me hot lesbian reality show; Tyra Banks teaser “I call him my cousband”; celebrity chef Juan-Carlos Cruz murder for hire arrest
1:56:31Australian parents being paid for vaccine trials; Aboriginal pregnant woman ear disease vaccine
1:57:58Afghan opium harvest reduced 33% due to fungus; still telegraphing Kandahar offensive; Stanley McChrystal anecdote: David Petraeus “bought bread and distributed it to all the people in the neighborhood”, JCD: “tossin’ out baguettes”; Navy Courageous Restraint Medal
2:02:27France & Germany at odds, JCD: “this is not going to be fun to watch”
2:05:00San Francisco Bay police corner wayward deer and “open fire in the name of public safety”