Call Clooney!

200.5 No Agenda 200.5 (2010-05-17)

Show 200.5 album art
0:00:35JCD: “to be honest about it, a lot of it is just plain boring”
0:02:15ACC unemployable since Michael Jackson murder comment to MSNBC
0:03:59ACC/JCD meeting story at CNET pilots in 1993, e-mail exchange and Cranky Geeks
0:08:31No Agenda’s origin in casual conversation, JCD: “an interesting conversation between two people is interesting to everybody”; JCD’s “critic” from software career path predictor
0:12:54ACC’s decision to commit to two shows per week; ACC: “both radio guys”, JCD: “modern form of radio”, importance of sound quality, ACC on customized sound: “silence is beautiful”
0:19:07Producer question: who’s the star of the show?
0:20:11How a Family Guy DVD changed “no jingles, no sound effects, no agenda”; Weenie and the Butt morning zoo excerpt, ACC: “zero content, all filler”; deliberately not discussing topics beforehand; Geoff Smith “in the morning” rimshot and pet peeve segue
0:26:22Evolution of the show via producer ideas; unexpectedly complementary clips; transition to more media assassination and commitment milestones, ACC’s e-mail labeling and C-SPAN transcript system; JCD on Book TV research value; move from anecdote format listener-driven
0:35:03Donations introduced late 2008 or 2009, critical role of NPR “sponsorship, underwriting, advertising, call it whatever you want”; JCD on instant feedback via donations, novels directly user-funded, the tyranny of the hard break; ACC on fundraising psychological hurdle
0:43:53ACC’s instant feedback from chatroom, enforced schedule rigidity; “we don’t work for tips”
0:46:41Critical importance of entertainment value; JCD hoping to give listeners an edge, ACC: “I think I was born to do this”, selfishness of good works
0:52:10Objections to “hookers and blow”, JCD on “new cycle of hookers”
0:53:42Show opening as impediment to attracting both new listeners and NSA
0:54:54“Crackpot” life insurance policy; Crackpot from e-mail, Buzzkill from artwork
0:55:44ACC on open-source model: “we don’t own anything”; show postmortem with selection of show name & album art; suggested “in the morning” trademark; Aric the Shill’s admin work
1:00:31Deuce Club Donation Segment
1:06:58ACC: “so John, would you like to basically do this full-time and quit everything else?”; podcasting as off-putting mechanism, pitfalls of RSS, Apple pushing all NPR podcasts
1:15:22Origin of knighthoods with JCD’s “why can’t Ford Motor Company grant knighthoods” comment; ACC’s Knight network “bat signal” app idea; JCD on innovative promotional models; ACC motivated by donation dropoffs and snarky JCD comments
1:21:55No sin in fast-forwarding through a boring bit, ACC on the joy of catching JCD flat-footed
1:24:43ACC guesses support breakdown by country: USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Netherlands; impossibility of knowing actual subscription numbers, JCD guesses 50-400k
1:31:07JCD’s show prep collecting articles and clips with Zoom H2 recorder; ACC on value and volume of shownotes, hunt for elusive “zinger”
1:33:50ACC’s research dead-end on Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
1:34:41Considerable time cost of producing the show; ACC’s Sound Byte by Black Cat Software
1:36:58Nokia E71 RSS app creation; BlackBerry getting in on podcast scene
1:38:26“Glut” of jingles and talent an improvement over older format nostalgia
1:39:40Show 333 next milestone; JCD: media and Obama administration both getting worse; independence from advertising attack vector; no conspiracy theory tax, Alex Jones as canary in the coal mine for government intervention; no guests, JCD: “this is not the Larry King Show