0:00:00 | JCD: “Well, you know, they should’ve flown coach.” (0:43:33 ) |
0:00:39 | Commemorating tax day with Geoff Smith Beatles-style Donation Segment jingle |
0:02:07 | Eyjafjallajökull eruption shuts down aviation, Gordon Brown’s unretrieved Icelandic bank funds, ACC: “send us your cash, and we’ll give you some ash”, JCD: Pinatubo silica “not a good product”; Qinghai China earthquake exercise; Ahmadinejad urges 5M to flee Tehran |
0:09:47 | Producer Segment: I-69 billboard near Indianapolis; Tea Party “In the Morning” |
0:17:30 | Lexus stops sales of unsafe GX 460 SUV; testimony reveals Prius wiring fiddled with |
0:20:54 | And Now Back to Real News: Sandra Bullock suppressing breakup plan to secure Oscar |
0:22:46 | David Petraeus in Poland two days before TU-154 crash; Medvedev at Brookings Institution offering Afghanistan help; Polish producer note on “greetings from Smolensk” text message, instant body count and identification, intact nose cone, father-son crash scene gunshots video |
0:32:12 | JCD on no more creative Russian assassinations,Family of Secrets and lawless CIA controlling Carl Bernstein; HP Moscow offices raided, deeply embedded in Poland and everywhere else; nuclear power plant plug-puller Gerhard Schröder in Nord Stream cabal; 2008 Russia-Georgia war predicted by Tom Clancy; National Bank of Poland President Sławomir Skrzypek’s deputy from Deutsche Bank and J.P. Morgan; JCD suspects small Baja earthquake |
0:45:25 | Medvedev gripes about not being in WTO at Brooking Institution, President “Strobe” Talbott; producer sideswiped before revealing Watergate hearing art notes; Nixon setup theory corroborated by four other books; LSD and Reagan drug-induced Alzheimer’s theories; George W. Bush before and after video; Phoenix Obama “going off the deep end” report |
0:55:07 | Michelle Obama “when we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya” |
0:57:23 | Roland Martin to Don Lemon on Confederate History Month: “these were American terrorists”, “we’re going to celebrate the Nazi soldiers by saying, well they were only doing their job”; “straight Rachel Maddow” Campbell Brown on Census Bureau clothing made in China |
1:06:57 | Donation Segment |
1:20:03 | Cyndi Lauper Celebrity Apprentice hate crimes bill “law of the land”; Bill Cosby blathers to Larry King about bullying: “these kids have too much time in a room, alone, at home”, “they disappear out of the home and away from the parent or the love caregiver”; Dr. Marilyn Irving blames low self-esteem for both bullying and being bullied; ACC on Cosby’s $100k one-hour gigs; “Stink” Sting’s $2M “blood money” for Islam Karimov Uzbekistan concert |
1:29:58 | Schumer on Hillary Clinton for Supreme Court: “she’s very happy as Secretary of State” |
1:32:19 | International media evicted from nuclear summit, 1946 Baruch Plan to consolidate global elites’ control over nuclear power; JCD predicts EU Army initiatives |
1:35:52 | Obama MIA for nonexistent soccer game; retrieval of torpedo-damaged Russian Kursk sub |
1:39:09 | Massive fifteen-minute fireball and sonic booms in American Midwest |
1:41:03 | Michael Specter TED talk on danger of science denial, New Delhi life expectancy “incredible fact”, deadly diseases “no longer exist, hardly”; “vaccies” for obesity, skin cancer, and asbestos; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation shoots down participants in Canadian HIV vaccine facility |
1:47:39 | Prof. Elizabeth Warren to Rachel Maddow on TARP statute not for bank bailouts, “assets” properties vs derivatives, JCD: “the banks bailed out themselves by stealing the money!” (JCDPPotD), Warren: 200k families per month in foreclosure, ACC: “I really like this woman!” |
1:55:21 | Troops in Haiti ordered to stop flying flag; DynCorp bought by Dan Quayle’s Cerberus Capital |
2:01:04 | NBC “behavior placement” programming; Law & Order “blame the Constitution, okay?” |