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168 Relief From Haiti Relief (2010-01-24)

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0:00:00JCD: “When I was a kid I swear to God I don’t remember ever seeing women going whoooo! like that.” (1:27:01)
0:00:38ACC’s compression way up
0:01:42Producer Segment: No Agenda karma; request for artwork stickers
0:07:47No more mention of tungsten gold, Bernanke struggling for confirmation, heroin anthrax
0:08:29Distraction of the Week: Hope for Haiti Now concert, Alicia Keys “caterwauling”, ACC: “I swear to God I watched ten minutes and had to turn it off”; no tally of money raised, Entertainment Industry Foundation and nonexistent Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, Aristide “kidnapped” and sent to Africa, Clinton and Bush foundations; ACC’s donation link “untrusted connection” via with Equifax certificate
0:22:48Bill Clinton Special UN Envoy to Haiti, Hillary’s holdings in the north, Clinton Foundation’s $30M in salaries; Won-G Bruny on fighting red tape; MTV reporters gushing over military helicopters; Fox News Cashin’ In in on $1T given to Haiti since 1992, need for infrastructure; military keeping Cuba and Venezuela out; telephone ring loop over Reese Witherspoon “you can’t even imagine how much love and great wonderful energy is here today”
0:40:26Anderson Cooper on Sanjay Gupta “the only physician on-site” after other doctors shipped off by UN; air drop of supplies now that boots are on ground; Glenn Beck points out Stalin’s starvation operation for Ukraine; Won-G Bruny’s five planes full of doctors, mass graves
0:46:55George Cloony with eyes downcast at SAG Awards, no mention of Haiti, Drew Barrymore fail
0:51:33Dutch Haiti telethon radio station collaboration
0:52:12Donation Segment
0:57:38And Now Back to Real News: COINTELPRO plant Michelle Malkin, Gina Smith approached by CIA, Ron Paul CIA coup comment, Malkin’s Culture of Corruption Obama hit piece, JCD: “this book was obviously given to her by the CIA”, ACC on Family of Secrets; Valerie Jarrett “reptile to the max” bailing out Obama on Meet the Press, Obama teleprompter “precipice” stumble, Smedley Butler parallel; Blackwater flying drones in Pakistan, Haiti rumors
1:06:17Mainstream media all-in on Citizens United decision as moneymaking bonanza, uselessness of Republicans spending money in California because of Electoral College; Obama lie: “on my first day in office we closed the revolving door between lobbying firms and the government”
1:17:13Denialism author Michael Specter on PBS, commercials running on PBS home page
1:19:29WMD expert David Kelly’s autopsy records sealed for 70 years by UK government
1:23:29UKIP’s Godfrey Bloom to European Parliament: “Al Gore, snake-oil salesman, crook
1:25:54Annoying SAG Awards whooo! scream by Jane Lynch, Howard Dean scream
1:28:17UK police to use spy drones in 2012 Olympics; HM Prison Weare prison ship; 42 Witness Against Torture Gitmo protesters arrested at Capitol
1:33:0715 confirmed cases of anthrax-tainted heroin in Scotland, epidemiologist warns to users to watch for “high fever”, “contact local drug services for support”, drug quiz
1:39:33Shanghai World’s Expo building spree for late March opening, incomprehensible Chinese financial announcer “liquidity soak up”, ACC: “I think we have to play this backwards”
1:44:10Bernanke’s confirmation difficulty; creditworthiness checked via social media; Obama proclaims January 20 National Angel Island Day; US Airways flight diverted over Jewish tefillin freakout; raw cruciferous vegetables to prevent cancer, JCD on flatulence from excess nitrogen
1:53:31Australian lamb promotion counter-ad on global warming due to animals farting