0:00:00 | JCD: “There goes your career.” (0:41:54 ) |
0:00:36 | Copenhagen COP 15 blizzard, record-breaking snowfall in New Jersey; Burt Rutan ice age |
0:03:45 | Producer Segment: Show 157 saved by chatroom |
0:08:18 | Irish MP “fuck you” for colleague; Al Franken denies Joe Lieberman extra minute to accelerate work on healthcare bill; Democrats get five minutes and Republicans get one to question Stanley “Tigger” McChrystal in committee, C-SPAN So You Don’t Have To jingle; progressive vs liberal vs neoliberal; potential 2012 Obama replacement, “third term of Bush” |
0:19:00 | Bob Corker on Bernanke’s qualifications due to being thoroughly trounced by economy, JCD likens him to a football coach who has never won a game |
0:21:32 | ACC: “very large mother ship” 1.5M miles off South Pole |
0:23:37 | Copenhagen code of ethics: no messing around with hookers; Congressional Research Service report on fraud & abuse with travel cards, 89% increase in transactions between 1999 and 2008, DoD $100M in unused tickets, first class exception for “unsanitary” coach |
0:30:40 | Climategate: Al Gore reads his poetry on CBS Early Show, weepy host Harry Smith: “I’m happy to hear it in your voice” |
0:36:12 | Nancy Pelosi to CNBC in Copenhagen: “the American people should be pleased with this pleased with this for four reasons: jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs”; Obama “grave and growing danger”, “all of you would not be here unless you, like me, were convinced that this danger is real”, “this is not fiction, it is science”; Hillary on “jointly mobilizing” $100bn per year, MSNBC’s reptilian Dylan Ratigan on $50bn “drop in the bucket”; Rajendra Pachauri cashing in on carbon credits for Tata Group by closing Corus Redcar steel plant and moving to Mumbai |
0:51:39 | Donation Segment: Dutch kijk- en luistergeld TV tax |
1:01:06 | Copenhagen Accord 2% tax on financial transactions, reference to 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change objective, “global governance” from 1998 |
1:11:34 | ACC gripes about credit or debit card requirement for buying food on airplanes; EU RFID chips in travel passes |
1:16:26 | And Now Back to Real News: New Zealand teen hit by distracted driver after flashing breasts; Letterman on Tiger Woods’ popularity at 33%, “doing well in the polling”; kids interviewed about plastered Tom Arnold in Santa suit |
1:20:07 | No Agenda Swine Flu Minute: Detroit schools bribing schoolkids with pizza for vaccinations; Pennsylvania fake Britney Spears movie theater ads, “you’re not gonna get sick from me”; “Treeman” Dede Koswara’s extreme version of HPV; 23M masks and gloves for California schools, push for booster shot, January “second wave” meme; Anthony Weiner “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” healthcare bill meme |
1:27:25 | Reuters: Yemen kills 24-30 al-Qaeda militants “including foreigners” and foils multiple suicide bombing plots, ABC: US shooting cruise missiles, JCD on recent natural gas discovery; ESPN “coincidence, I think not”; ACC: slip in an “in the morning!” on call-in show; Rachel Maddow spotted chatting with Roger Ailes at White House party, Obama’s war on Fox, possible NDA |
1:33:42 | Federal websites to begin using cookies for tracking visitors, Google 180-day cookie |
1:35:14 | Outro: Al Gore reads bleak Our Choice poem, Vagina Monologues |