0:00:00 | (excerpt) ACC: “That would have been a great show, if it had actually recorded.” |
0:01:11 | Producer Segment |
0:03:08 | Cory Doctorow up in arms about Canadian copyright “reform” and book licensing vs ownership, JCD on Seymour Rubinstein and shrinkwrap licenses; PR firms as source of all news; “Gitmo Nation Baguette” France giving young adults newspaper subscriptions; subsidized Dutch journalist reveals secret government orders; JCD on Microsoft Hood Canal meetings, journalists signing NDAs |
0:17:22 | Distraction of the Week: new White House party crashers vs $1.2T spending bill, executive privilege invoked, JCD: possible warning from CIA; Silvio Berlusconi hit with statue vs mafia connection revelation; Ben Bernanke named Time Person of the Year vs Finance Committee reappointment activities, anti-Bernanke Bernie Sanders |
0:28:05 | Prof. Bill Black: Greenspan & Bernanke “twins”, “they refused to send in the examiners”, “now banks don’t have to recognize losses”; American Bankers Association protests |
0:25:46 | Producer note on spotting enormous amount of military hardware on the move; JCD on left and right wings’ identical complaints, Rush Limbaugh belief checklist, “left-right paradigm” |
0:39:32 | ACC’s C-SPAN iOS app, John Culberson on $1.2T spending bill, “only posted last night”, single copy on clerk’s desk, “why the rush?”, $8T spent in 12 months, Pelosi’s trip to COP 15 for “job creation”; ACC Copenhagen office poll, child credit exchange; massive protests |
0:52:20 | Climategate: Sir David King “remember that these emails go back to 1998” lie to Newsnight audience; standing ovation for Hugo Chávez anti-capitalist rant, JCD “caliphate” |
0:58:52 | Donation Segment: Gates Foundation grants to anti-evolution Discovery Institute |
1:07:04 | UN Office on Drugs and Crime: $352bn in drug money laundered by banking system; appropriations bill lists recipients of money |
1:11:06 | Al Gore backpedals on 75% chance of ice-free Arctic, researcher Wieslav Maslowski “rather pissed on his chips”; anti-warmist heart attack, JCD: “it looked like got an electric shock”; Lord Monckton interviews clueless Greenpeace protester: Greenpeace “not a weather bureau is it?”; Prince Charles & Gordon Brown in separate jets; CIA Center for Climate & Security anticipates “fighting for food and shelter” and military conflict |
1:20:37 | Recent The Nation article on “Democratic Industrial Complex”, 2⁄3 of donations from healthcare industry; Howard Dean on healthcare bill from “pro insurance company Democrats” |
1:24:37 | AP on Monsanto anticompetitive business practices, Bayer admits GMO contamination is out of control, not a word from NPR or PBS; new information on the dangers of high fructose corn syrup, JCD recommends Heinz organic ketchup, Pepsi dropping HFCS |
1:30:48 | Cruise missile explosion over Nebraska; Northwest 188 ATC tapes released, ACC: “these guys were not asleep, they were freaked out by something and they’re not talking about it” |
1:34:05 | And Now Back to Real News: dead Nebraska man eaten by his two pugs |
1:34:40 | Iraqi insurgents hacking into unencrypted US drone video feed |
1:36:07 | So You Don’t Have To book review jingle, Crisis by Design: The Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup and What You Can Do about It |
1:37:21 | Outro: JCD correction on history of Casper Milquetoast |