0:00:00 | JCD: “Hit it!” |
0:02:30 | Several comical “turn down your speakers!” intro misfires from iPhone; ACC in New Jersey, headed to Pittsburgh |
0:04:10 | Producer Segment |
0:05:07 | Obama “wet noodle” West Point speech with militaristic musical introduction, “let me be clear”, 30k troops for Afghanistan, torture prohibition lie, stage rush by cadets; military producer note on “kill boxes”, Baghdad Airport Burger King in top five highest-grossing |
0:16:32 | Ambassador Louis Susman to BBC Breakfast: “we’re in Pakistan for the long term” |
0:18:21 | White House party crasher woman auditioning for Real Housewives, appearance on NBC This Morning, announced at dinner, Obama “irked” |
0:21:49 | And Now Back to Real News: Tiger Woods all over Japanese news |
0:24:16 | 350 movement protesting cap and trade, $22 carbon credits, Climate Exchange PLC the only company licensed to trade, Generation Investment LLC founded by Al Gore and full of Goldman Sachs guys; Obama involved in Joyce Foundation grant to Chicago Climate Exchange; Verizon turning over 8M GPS coordinates to FBI; Climate Justice SEO’ed down; deniers trolling Gore at book signings |
0:35:52 | ACORN and Project Vote whistleblower Anita MonCrief on constant election fundraising, people being “thrown under the bus” and tossed in jail for protesting, New York Times “killed” story, “poverty is big business for ACORN” |
0:43:23 | Robert Gibbs on Climategate: “I don’t think that’s anything that is quite frankly among most people in dispute any more”, Obama heading to Copenhagen early “to get us to the point of a deal”; asked about list of 31k scientists including 26k PhDs opposed to climate change, “no real scientific basis for the dispute of this”; “the Honorable Robert Gibbs” at state dinner |
0:51:25 | Donation Segment |
1:01:57 | NBC on bogus recovery.gov data, 1% of 12M data points; ACC on Daily Source Code resurrection; When I Grow Up I Want to Be an Old Woman Kaiser Permanente ad; CVC’s $350 half-hour doctor visit; 90-second Seroquel bipolar disorder medication ad with 17 seconds of promotion; “Nancy decided she can’t afford so many bathroom detours when sixty percent off is at stake” Toviaz overactive bladder ad |
1:14:44 | Goldman Sachs employees applying for concealed carry permits; Federal Reserve proposes movie theater PSAs on keeping credit card costs down |
1:17:51 | Kim Jong-il’s surprise currency devaluation; Cosmopolitan guide to avoiding spread of swine flu: “do the deed facing away from him” with reverse cowgirl |