0:00:00 | JCD: (laughing) “I thought this was one of your sound effects, with Crackpot calling the kettle black!” (1:24:04 ) |
0:00:39 | ACC at La Quinta with waffle iron and “waffle goop” |
0:02:02 | Producer Segment: Executive Producer manufacturer of MWG “90-rounder” |
0:04:23 | ACC in Upstate New York, JCD on IBM move to Armonk to avoid nuclear strike, family gathering for ACC’s father’s birthday; Uncle Don’s reaction to JCD’s Kim Jong-il wine tasting bid, DVD care package for Supreme Leader’s region-free player, JCD: “that’s progress” |
0:10:12 | No Agenda Swine Flu Minute: JCD blocked from Albany library by cop, “mile and a half long” line for H1N1 vaccine, UK “jab” vs US “shot” violence metaphors, hordes of small children, three-hour wait, JCD: “nick ‘em a hundred dollars a pop”; Wheeling WV kid held down for shot by deputies; 70% of French citizenry having none of it, combined H1N1 & H5N1 bits theory; GlaxoSmithKline $18bn vaccine pipeline, nicotine vaccine neurotransmitter brew; ACC’s cousin Lucy’s interesting stories about FDA’s Margaret Hamburg; Ukraine outbreak identified as lethal N1N1 |
0:23:54 | Radio caller: “the Democrats have sold their soul to Hell”, “we are bein’ took by a bunch of sorry lowlife cockroaches, JCD on Limbaugh & Savage ass-kissers, dueling CNN and Fox in La Quinta ”breakfast area“, ”fishin’ on the Moon“ |
0:31:10 | Time Life Heavenly Comedy Jam “pastor approved” collection |
0:34:11 | Professor David Salisbury to BBC Radio 4 on adjuvants: “strain changes don’t matter”, “4µg tiny tiny dose” plus “naturally occurring” fish oil “for a good purpose”, JCD on “exactly the same” as seasonal flu meme |
0:38:59 | V reboot and David Icke’s career-ending reptilian rant, reptilian Obama & Bush families; reptilian-run advertisers; Nancy Pelosi’s reptilian inappropriate smile |
0:46:36 | Pelosi dodges question on jail time for dodging health insurance tax: “I think the legislation is very fair in this respect”, lizard tongue activity; Hillary Clinton on Moro Islamic Liberation Front: “I’m encouraged by what I hear about the progress in the peace efforts that are going on between the government and MILF” |
0:51:49 | Cap and trade success with acid rain, American Enterprise Institute’s Kenneth Green: “inappropriate policy tool for the control of greenhouse gases”, emission trading alternative technology: “we had that with SO2, we don’t have that with CO2”, “carbon control bills … will increase energy prices, that’s what they’re for”, “perversely, low-carbon fuel standards might actually prohibit oil imports from our number-one foreign supplier … Canada”, ACC: “nice knowin’ ya”; Seeking Alpha on $2.5T oil scam via ICE Intercontinental Exchange “dark pool” |
1:05:21 | American Council for Capital Formation’s Margo Thorning blathering at same cap and trade hearing; ABC cab news balloon boy family “the worst thing is, they get to keep the kids” |
1:09:58 | Donation Segment: “Associate Producer” status; “call it whatever you want” |
1:16:52 | Financial Times front page Khalid Sheikh Mohammed spitting image of bin Laden |
1:19:37 | Large Hadron Collider gravitational wave blows out lights in South America, “gateways to the Sun” and silicon, bogus bird baguette story; ACC kicked out of hotel room over phone |