Call Clooney!

1399 Noodle Mensch (2021-11-14)

Show 1399 album art
0:00:00JCD: “Ve are Google.” (0:14:40)
0:00:36JCD’s “transitory” $5.50 gas; note from Show 1398 GMA “angst-ridden veteran”
0:04:06“Cannabis use disorder” the latest scapegoat in epidemic of heart attack deaths, JCD predicts spread to NBA; Good Morning America debunks male infertility vaccine theories: “no matter how many times you say it, it’s worth repeating”; Dr. Peter McCollough on VITT vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia purpura, Scott Gottlieb & Stephen Hahn conflicts of interest; Biden administration brings Dr. Robert Califf back through the revolving door to head FDA; ABC on 22-state “surge!” in new cases; Netherlands instituting “temporary” three-week 2G lockdown
0:19:17Missy Magazine editor Hengameh Yaghoobifarah gripes to Deutsche Welle about the horrors of being German, ACC: “das Nudelkind”, JCD: “Nudelmensch”; multilingual “door to door” vaccination compilation; Utah rolls out Mobile Driver’s License pilot program
0:32:39Biden comptroller of the currency nominee Saule Omarova addresses Jain Family Institute about her vision for “Nicki Mac” National Management Corporation with keys to the Federal Reserve vaults, JCD: “imagine that you’re listening to a fifth-grader giving a report in front of class”, JFI toady gushes over “very very cleanly expressed proposal”, “in the long run the public balance sheet will be stronger” in spite of massive losses, the return of collateralized debt obligations; researcher Alison McDowell on social impact bonds as private-sector precrime; creepy National Interoperability Collaborative NGO; Omarova envisions the end of private banking paving the way for authority to “take money away from people’s accounts”
1:02:14NPR notes “temporary by-product of the pandemic” inflation outstripping cost of living allowances; Biden asserts Build Back Better plan is “totally paid-for”, 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations, nonexistent “infrastructure week”, “the irony is, people have more money now, because of the first laymaybapieceala... legislation I passed” (CotD), smartphones made of parts from “France, Italy, chips from the Netherlands, touchscreens from New York State”
1:16:11Jen Psaki blames high gas prices on OPEC, reacts to “let’s go Brandon”, “healthier, safer, more predictable workforce” thanks to vaccine mandates, explains away CIA director’s diplomatic trip to Russia; giant voice system “obey the law and leave this place” on Polish border
1:24:51Queen Elizabeth II’s back sprain, ACC: “she was doing pilates”, Leana Wen also MIA
1:26:31State of emergency and war crimes in Ethiopia due to Tigrayan insurgency; NPR on Antony Blinken’s plans to carefully avoid Ethiopia in upcoming trip to Africa
1:28:56Producer Segment: New York Times cancel culture and “SAGA apps”
1:57:18COP26 ends with lackluster agreement, Indian judge threatens climate lockdowns; “climate change” medical diagnoses in Canada; John Kerry announces Romanian nuclear reactor deal
2:05:48Defense lawyer in Ahmaud Arbery murder case objects to the presence of Al Sharpton; people beginning to realize that Kyle Rittenhouse did not shoot black protestor; Pete Buttegieg’s lies about New York “racist bridges” debunked; Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller discharged after criticizing Afghanistan withdrawal; ACC on the lookout for GOP grandstanding over Omarova nomination; Biden in 2007: “it will take a year to get the American troops out”
2:17:20Trump January 6 documents blocked by appeals court; Anderson Pooper celebrates indictment of Steve Bannon in “the worst attack on democracy by Americans since the Civil War”
2:23:08Donation Segment
2:34:05Psaki “let’s go all the way!” iso; Shatner crewmate Glen de Vries dead in plane crash; Assange immunity deal with Bruce Orr nixed by Comey; promotions for anti-Assange UK judges