0:00:00 | JCD: “Ahahaha!” (2:33:35 ) |
0:00:32 | Double Ten Day and Microsoft Word “Chinese Community Party” autocorrect |
0:01:27 | “Let’s go Brandon” spotted at O’Hare Airport and on Fox News; Covidland: the Lockdown series from Alex Jones; JCD unimpressed with hysterically laughing UK foamer |
0:06:48 | Chinese addresses coal shortage by releasing one day’s worth from Australia and resuming purchases; pro-China NPR and German Marshall Fund shill Bonnie Glaser on Taiwan conflict as part of “new equilibrium” between US and China, South China Sea resources “rightfully theirs”, “China of course sees that Taiwan is basically a province of China”, JCD: “what??”, perplexing failure of Western powers to recognize Taiwan immediately, “I think climate change is at the top of that list” of areas of mutual interest |
0:24:46 | CBS “breaks the story” on CIA’s expansion into China surveillance; NTD analysis of Biden’s support for nonexistent “Taiwan agreement”, ACC on “made in Taiwan” as applied to green plastic army men, JCD on Taiwan’s one-time superiority in injection molding; ABC explains away collision of USS Connecticut nuclear submarine with “sea mountain” |
0:35:22 | Google and YouTube to demonetize “climate denial”; creepy Ad Council “by the time she takes her first breath” PSA; marketing guru Seth Godin promotes “community” almanac scam; ACC flags coded Ecotrust term “frontline communities” |
0:46:46 | Gov. Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate cripples Washington ferry service; Southwest flights canceled at Jacksonville Airport due to ATC “issues”; producer notes on high tech ultimatums, desperate shortage of first responders; 300,000 fewer jobs added than expected, predictable “still fearful of COVID” bullcrap from Jen Psaki; Psaki asserts that companies passing on costs to customers is “unfair and absurd and the American people would not stand for that”, JCD: “is she that stupid??”; ACC irked at receiving screenshots instead of links |
0:59:02 | Spook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen’s insta-checkmark and 50,000 followers, Kara Swisher’s interview with CIA’s Dawn Meyerriecks revisited; Haugen to appear at January 6 hearing, ACC predicts tobacco-like settlement agreement, JCD on Mimi’s stint in “Facebook jail”; Don Lemon & Chris Cuomo compare notes on censorship and social media vs podcasts |
1:10:58 | Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Strickler tells Project Veritas about suppression of information about fetal cell lines, subsequent termination voicemail from “K.J. Wigglesworth”, JCD: “how do you get through school?”; saccharine Cook County Illinois “trust us” vaccine PSA; recent dire warnings from WHO against “mixing and matching” vs Leana Wen throwing Johnson & Johnson under the bus; The Daily Beast Race to Save the World event funded by Pfizer with speaker Fran Nahzi, JCD: “frau Nazi!”; ABC on “bridging clinical trial” for emergency use in children, encouragement to get flu and COVID-19 vaccines on the same day |
1:24:12 | Bizarre groans from Matt Taibbi on his Useful Idiots podcast; Kamala Harris makes an ass of herself talking to children at observatory; Thales Digital ID Wallet “reminding Lucy of the appointment she needs to schedule for her mandatory vaccination” ad |
1:36:33 | Producer Segment: ACC’s Italian Podcasting Festival speech; chicken shit bingo |
2:24:39 | International Rescue Committee’s David Miliband on cozy relationship with US government to register 50,000 Afghan migrants, additional 15,000 waiting abroad, “we know it’s a tight labor market” lie, sketchy “it’s new language” claim of interpreters, usual suspects on board including Timmy Geithner & Lucy Napolitano on board; Swiss Policy Research article listing WEF Young Global Leaders including Leana Wen and Jacinda Ardern; producer note on IRS $600 and $15/hour jobs; TikTok “scalp popping” fealty test, history of goldfish swallowing |
2:51:40 | US-Russia row over expulsion of embassy staff; NPR on Iowa Trump rally as prelude to a 2024 campaign; Trump “lunatic leftists” tirade; teenage boys shooting at each other on 6th Street of Austin; Biden administration releases Trump documents for January 6 investigation; Senate releases report on Trump’s attempt to “effectively steal the presidential election” |
3:03:18 | Assistant AG Kristen Clarke to Sen. Mike Lee on “discriminatory purpose” of voter ID laws |
3:07:03 | Australian police officer informs sunbather his activity is “not an essential to be outside” |
3:08:32 | Donation Segment |
3:26:53 | Miliband “thank you so much for your interest” iso; DEA trying to reclaim its free reign to terrorize the citizenry of Mexico, ACC: “Fast and Furious, anyone?” |