0:00:00 | JCD: “Hey yeah … what we’re supposed to do, was not quite the way it woiked out.” (0:14:15 ) |
0:00:36 | Dubious announcement from US and Australian “truckies” of August 31 strike; ACC impressed by Turkish TRT World news, media downplaying 124,000-strong protest in Paris and slobbering over Al Sharpton’s voting rights protest; all eyes on #33 Max Verstappen in Belgium; NPR ties Hurricane Ida to COVID-19 warnings; Netherlands #2 in “COVID resilience” |
0:08:43 | Media hyperventilates over flight of Afghan girls’ robotics team to Mexico; 2020 story of team working on “much-needed ventilators”, JCD: “oh brother!” (BCotD), new pronunciation “afɣanistan”, B-roll of Afghans racing C-130; the return of SITE Intelligence Group’s Rita Katz and diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad, JCD on “street tough” H.R. McMaster, ACC rolls out “ISIS K Street”, JCD notes Taliban driving Humvees instead of Toyotas; Republican “blood is on Joe Biden’s hands” compilation; producer note on tradition of leaving behind vast munitions stockpiles seen in Syria in 2016, State Department blocking evacuation efforts by Glenn Beck’s Nazarene Fund, ISIS-K rebranded “IS-K”, wife of ACC’s friend Lex links Islamic State Khorasan to Iran, Kabul bombers “shredded” by six-bladed Hellfire R9X |
0:28:32 | Jen Psaki throws Erik Prince under the bus for offering paid evacuations; Psaki’s “global plandemic” and “cunt down, go after, and kill” gaffes, JCD on John Kirby and arrogant Navy brass “blowing their tubes”; Tucker Carlson on abrupt US departure from “Bhagwan” Air Base and mass exodus of 100,000 Afghans; Biden blames Pentagon for “not much value added” conclusion about Bagram; Lt. Col. Stuart Schiller relieved of duty after venting bile on social media; disgruntled soldier Laura Jedeed reflects to NPR on two wasted decades |
0:53:40 | Return of the 2009 tungsten-filled counterfeit gold story; 2017 analysis of Trump vs Made in China 2025; Kamala Harris warns “buy now” if you want toys for Christmas, “and of course the climate crisis”; China irked at US intelligence report on coronavirus origin; JCD perplexed by reprise of Stewart-Colbert Wuhan lab segment, Greg Gutfeld’s remarkable late-night ratings |
1:05:54 | State Department “weenie-looking boy” Ned Price and Antony Blinken channel Hillary Clinton; NPR cuts off Kabul report from correspondent Quil Lawrence; CBS News “CIA chick” on Afghans arriving in the US with the belief that “someone was gonna hand me a house” |
1:20:40 | Producer Segment: Brookings “The Challenge of Detecting Misinformation in Podcasting” |
2:11:28 | Tucker Carlson cites Israeli study showing superiority of natural immunity; Dr. Ryan Cole discusses post-vaccine drop in CD8+ “killer” T Cells, order of magnitude increase in endometrial cancer and melanoma (CotD); Dr. Lee Merritt on vaccine side effects in the military; Alex Berenson jettisoned from Twitter for “don’t think of it as a vaccine”; Moderna metallic particles in Japan; refrigerated trucks again in Oregon & Florida, “this is not being exaggerated” tell; Toronto suspends flights from Morocco; ankle monitors for high school athletes |
2:27:51 | Cook County judge bases child custody on vaccination; Delta Airlines employees facing “controversial new punishment” in insurance surcharge; NPR lets slip South Dakota’s low infection rate in “hmmh!”-laced Sturgis hit piece; producer note on mask mandate 180° in response to vaccine ineffectiveness; Justin Trudeau promises $1bn “proof of vaccination fund”; Trudeau refuses to answer question about legality of Ontario rally; Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio refuses to sign exemption letters; 12,000 more nursing home deaths under Andrew Cuomo |
2:49:34 | Biden channels his lucid former self in “we will hunt you down” tirade |
2:54:57 | Donation Segment: Clip Custodian’s accumulated 1,200 clips |
3:07:33 | Biden goes on confused “no conflict” ramble about Afghanistan; “tough day” iso |