0:00:00 | ACC: “Y’know, when you talk like that I actually get hard.” (0:37:30 ) |
0:00:36 | NYC garbage strike experiences, raccoon-size rats, new fiscal year and potential shutdown |
0:01:58 | And Now Back to Real News: possible Timberlake-Biel breakup; Jeff Probst congratulates Neil Patrick Harris at Emmy Awards, bogus Joseph Campbell “go for it” quote, “20% more viewership” vs “second lowest”, EndemolĀ and Big Brother, ACC gripes about John Hodgman voiceover, Ken Howard “this is very encouraging”, “I’ll make my speech as brief as possible in the hope that it won’t be interrupted by a congressman or a rapper” |
0:12:54 | Bailout funds being used to shore up FDIC at interest treated as asset, JCD on bank printing presses, Federal Reserve’s abject failure to control interest rates, refusal to honor FOIA for beneficiary details; Countrywide VIP mortgages for the likes of Chris Dodd, call recordings retained “until available recording space was utilized” |
0:24:25 | Fox News occupying the over-60 crowd, Murdoch “give the people what they want”; right-wing media bitching about “brand Obama” shilling for Chicago Olympics in Copenhagen; CNN all-in on Roman Polanski, publicity for The Ghost movie |
0:30:38 | APF American Police Force takeover in Hardin Montana, Team America |
0:34:05 | Alan Grayson to Rachel Maddow on using the word “holocaust” about economy, JCD on Democrats complaining that impotent Republicans “block everything” (JCDPPotD), “not what America sent Congress to do”, “nattering nabobs of negativism”; Ahmadinejad “as a scholar” to Larry King on Holocaust, Jewish “wipe out Iran” meme |
0:43:30 | British girl dies after receiving HPV vaccine, self-administered third shot |
0:45:47 | No Agenda Swine Flu Minute: Canadian doctor claims seasonal flu vaccine increases likelihood of getting swine flu; New York firing unvaccinated health workers; UK virus czar’s investments in vaccine distribution; 1976 swine flu fractal, 60 Minutes on $3.5bn in lawsuits for neurological damage, CDC cover-up; UK mental health law; “it’s always about hitting the other guy in the mouth, isn’t it?” |
0:57:14 | CSI: New York rampage by patient cut off from health insurance, death by car GPS hack, “you have a message, write your congressman”; Obama no tax lie vs IRS enforcement |
1:06:13 | FOIA’d Oklahoma City Bombing security tapes edited, “coincidence, I think not!” jingle |
1:09:02 | One-minute Ambryl ad with 16 seconds of sales pitch, “fungal infections”, no “although rare” |
1:12:45 | Donation Segment: Atomic Rod Adams |
1:20:04 | University of Connecticut gets its hands on Adolf Hitler’s skull, finds it belongs to woman under 40, Operation Paperclip, Operation Highjump near North Pole and Nazi flying saucers shot down in Roswell |