0:00:00 | JCD: “Woop, woop, woop, woop!” (1:32:28 ) |
0:00:34 | Juneteenth shootouts in Oakland & Austin, M5M giddy over Miami pride parade traffic fatality, ACC: “hope it’s a white guy!”; C-SPAN caller notes “two realities”, JCD auditing left-wing talk radio; Jeanine Pirro “Brian Seltzer” stumble; “happy seeding person’s day” from ACC |
0:11:06 | NBC up in arms over COVID-19 delta variant against which first Pfizer dose is 33% effective; CNBC celebrates “black fungus” and eye loss in India, Missouri detecting variants in wastewater, JCD: “oh, bullshit!”, Shep Smith giddy over “COVID on steroids” with Scott Gottlieb; CNN pet doctor Leana Wen clutches her pearls at the danger to children; 140,000 entries removed from VAERS database; FreightWaves NOW on Port of Yantian shutdown, JCD: “sounds like a Chinese scam”, ACC’s shipping container house; CDC delays meeting on myocarditis in children due to new Juneteenth holiday, “just in time” Biden administration; four British Airways pilots dead after receiving vaccines; White House to hand Merck $3.2bn to develop antiviral pills; breathless Biden celebrates 300M “shots in arms”, Harris “love thy neighbor” pitch; JCD reflects on Biden’s professional alcoholic gait, ACC: “the whole adrenochrome thing is bullcrap”; ACC identifies need to “hate clip” Pivot with Kara Swisher |
0:36:44 | Australian military rolls out Operation COVID Shield; ACC on politically motivated Texas heartbeat law; more delta variant “big risk” fear porn; elitist New York Excelsior Pass, producer note on concert venue’s empty threats, JCD “dry run for something” theory, AstraZeneca recipients excluded from upcoming Bruce Springsteen concert, Dutch Hollandse Nieuwe Haring incentive, tender for temporary body storage in London, ACC: “Build Back Better body bags”; oil and gas industry insider video on “succession planning” for doomed vaccine recipients; producer note on post-Moderna swollen lymph node and nightmares |
0:58:41 | Elusive “Chinese defector” identified as “Dong” said to have smoking gun COVID-19 and Hunter Biden evidence, potential Yantian link and need for toilet paper hoarding |
1:05:00 | Former CIA “clandestine officer” Will Hurd on the danger of Chinese “quantum supremacy”, JCD: “you might as well just put douchebag”; Southwest Airlines flights grounded by weather data “glitch”; Australian banks brought low by Akamai outage, JIT and Six Sigma |
1:17:23 | $40T Build Back Better World partnership “values-driven high-standard transparent financing mechanism” revisited; Indian TFIGlobal News exults in Australia kicking China’s butt |
1:26:00 | Producer Segment: trollroom.io ; ACC: “we’re in the end zone and we’re tired of dancing” |
2:26:42 | NPR on victory for Ebrahim Raisi in Iranian presidential election with relatively low voter turnout, peculiar air of urgency around putting a bow on nuclear deal; CBS Evening News obsesses over Kim Jong-un’s weight loss; first Chinese astronauts dock with Tiangong Space Station; bombastic “mission of equity” ad from NASA |
2:40:28 | Noodle Gun: Lin-Manuel Miranda grovels due to lack of Afro-Latinx actors in The Heights |
2:42:30 | Smart Savers Texas roasting customers by futzing with their smart thermostats, ACC’s chatty Nest thermostat, “people will enjoy our product when they wake up sweating” |
2:48:09 | NPR discusses virtues of USMCA trade pact carefully avoiding mention of Trump or the name of anti-union Philadelphia company Cardone Industries, ACC’s odd “Heintz” pronunciation |
2:52:45 | Third-degree burns from Western US “heat dome” attributed to global warming |
2:55:35 | Donation Segment: ACC’s “delta variant bullcrap” call from his sister-in-law |
3:20:19 | Biden “how could I be the President of the United States of America?” and “that’s how much they suck” isos; Rep. Ronny Jackson calls for Biden to undergo cognitive assessment |