0:00:00 | JCD: “We’re gonna git you vaccinated and mah dawg is gonna like, he’s gonna lick your face if you even just sign up, git on the system!” (0:52:24 ) |
0:00:40 | JCD predicts “great year for apricots” especially when paired with Riesling |
0:01:42 | AstraZeneca reports higher Pfizer vaccine fatalities; Dr. Byram Bridle: biodistribution study shows spike proteins crossing into circulatory system; Dr. Scott Jensen gripes about corruption of data in pediatric cases; Dr. Peter McCullough issues “bring ‘em on” challenge, teases forthcoming books by Dr. Peter Breggin, Nicholas Wade, and Whitney Webb, “mass vaccination at all costs” stakeholders CDC, WHO, and the usual suspects |
0:25:11 | “Governance changes” coming to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, ACC: “Buffett is out”; McCullough on 4,000 vaccine deaths vs 25-50 that would normally stop a program in its tracks |
0:32:15 | Tedros Adhanom warns variants may “drag us back to square one”, “the pandemic is not over!”; Dr. Reiner Fuellmich to The Delingpod on PHEIC “public health emergency of international concern” demanded of WHO by big pharma, population control and destruction of small business; McCullough warns about “way of marking” for behavior control; vaccine status on Louisiana driver’s licenses; West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice commits to getting all vaccine recipients “in the system” for lottery drawing, “you got to get vaccinated for Babydog” |
0:52:39 | Michael Osterholm expresses his aversion to the unvaccinated: “I don’t want to breathe their air”, JCD: “coloreds, whites”; free fishing licenses in Minnesota; Nova Scotia allowing vaccinations without parental consent; ACC’s maskless Whole Foods experiment; PBS cites “record low numbers” and quotes “New York Times database”, JCD: “a record low number is zero!”, Guangzhou shuts down over 20 new cases; Nepal calls bullcrap on Mount Everest outbreak; Colorado bus driver Bertram “Jackass” Jaquez fired for slapping ten-year-old in mask dispute |
1:08:37 | America This Morning on White House’s 90-day deadline for intelligence report on COVID-19 origin, ACC irked by anonymity of three Wuhan scientists infected early on |
1:19:13 | Radio Davos podcast “jobs of the future” including “work-from-home facilitator” |
1:29:30 | Producer Segment |
1:56:03 | Gay BBC chef enthuses about cicada “flavor bomb”: “bug appetit”, JCD notes absence of cicadas from 1979 book Unmentionable Cuisine, Substack article in the works |
2:03:26 | Japanese newspaper calls for cancellation of Tokyo Olympics; NBC blames Russia for USAID phishing attack and then oves on to climate change; climate alarmist Jeff Berardelli assures CBS This Morning things will get “worse and worse” thanks to an arbitrary 1.5°C temperature increase; on cue Elon Musk throws Bitcoin under the bus; Fed Chair Jerome Powell promises digital currency evaluation; Fifi Lagarde: negative interest rates “support the economy”; Renmin University’s Qu Qiang: “we’re all gonna die” if Bitcoin replaces fiat currency |
2:23:28 | Democracy Now memorializes “security guard and rapper” George Floyd; former Space Force head Matthew Lohmeier promotes his new book to an uninterested Sean Hannity |
2:34:45 | Col. Steve Ganyard assures George Stephanopoulos “the US government is completely incapable of complex conspiracies” regarding Pentagon UFO report; Angelina Jolie The Eternals trailer; ATF nominee David Chipman admits to “self-depreciating humor” (CotD) |
2:41:04 | Donation Segment |
2:52:01 | “I don’t want to breathe their air” iso; Rand Paul rants about $850,000 Afghan cricket league; Tom Cotton grills Army Secretary nominee Christine Wormuth about uncool vehicle names |
2:58:16 | Another No Agenda Morning Zoo gay entertainment report audition |