0:00:00 | JCD: “Did you know you could spin plates on the end of a stick?” (0:04:23 ) |
0:00:37 | Intro “Media assassination”; JCD “dodging black helicopters” all month; ACC & CVC at Stinson Beach, new age “rock balancing” sculptures; ACC pans Peter Jackson’s District 9, JCD on Lord of the Rings/Muppet Movie, South African slang “prawns”, ACC’s emetophobia: “if you gotta puke, don’t call me, unless you’re really hot and I’ll hold your hair” |
0:14:46 | ACC on Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Dinner all-star jam, venue shifted to Madison Square Garden live TV, nominee list including Donna Summer and ABBA, ACC: “it’s official, rock & roll is dead”, JCD predicts Taylor Swift; JCD story: Pioneer Square Kiss tribute band, “I always carry ear protection” |
0:22:52 | factsaboutreform.org talking points, Americans for Stable Quality and Care, PHRMA funding in turn, Obama “shilling for the pharmaceutical industry”; ACC exposes Maher to Mevio former Black Panther Maggie, Bo Snerdly, 100% Black Enough To Criticize Obama “get busy gettin’ some jobs up here goin’ or we gonna break you off that hope and change thing” |
0:31:58 | No Agenda Swine Flu Minute jingle; Aric looking into Manitoba body bags, top-notch US casinos, ten cases in Ontario; flufighters.org.uk corporate vaccination service; Mevio “confirmed” case, “I gotta get a shot!” reaction; CNN’s Sanjay Gupta’s infection from Afghanistan |
0:42:42 | Indian satellite finds water on moon; JMD the mess-making baker |
0:43:57 | Najibullah Zazi buying nail polish remover and hair bleach at beauty supply store, excuse to extend soon-to-expire Patriot Act; ACC’s bag opened on trip from New York, Bumble & Bumble “hand grenade” ignored; JCD’s Atom-based kitchen Linux box ignored, ACC: “the only training the TSA gets is how to yell at you” |
0:52:15 | Iran-Iraq WMD fractal; former Goldman Sachs VP Clifton Maloney dies in Tibet; test-marketing Israeli attack on second Iranian reactor; joint Israel-US missile defense exercise Juniper Cobra; London subway exercises month before actual attack, FEMA pre-9/11 exercise; Zazi’s Denver Airport spook connection, over-the-top Afghan garb shopping spree footage, “beauty bomber”; JCD on Patriot Act extortion for investment guidance, Kleiner Perkins and Fisker Automotive grant |
1:03:29 | ihatethemedia.com correlates Fox News ratings with female anchor skirt length, ACC: “Eliot Spitzer-level ass”; JCD’s family finding evidence for “Democrats running Fox News” theory, right-wing KSFO run by “liberal’s liberal” Jack Swanson; Washington Post: ACORN documentarians trained by right-wing think tank, Andrew Breitbart appearing with Hannah “ass” Giles, ACC: “we are all being manipulated and treated like Homer Simpson” |
1:09:48 | Red sky in Sydney, “dragon tail of death”, Comet NEAT, harbinger of “new birth of humanity”; NASA THEMIS craft detect magnetic field breach, ACC: “we need algae”; ACC predicts $1500 gold; generic term “dust” |
1:17:33 | Donation Segment: Vegas dinner cancelled |
1:24:55 | Roman Polanski arrested out of the blue in Zurich at behest of US |
1:27:46 | FBI corruption whistleblower Sibel Edmonds; G20 marketed as global economic savior in Pittsburgh, LRAD acoustic weapon used on protestors, “by order of the City of Pittsburgh chief of police, I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly” |