0:00:00 | JCD: “Lot of brisket today.” (3:18:18 ) |
0:00:35 | Male chimp Mailchimp account suspended by “Omnivore” algo over presence of “experimental vaccine” string, monthly whitelisting fees to bottom-feeding “fact check” middlemen, JCD: “they don’t want your mail goin’ through!”; JCD’s appearance on Edwin Black’s show |
0:07:32 | ACC & TtK’s flight to Mexico with no-longer-humorous Southwest Airlines mask police, farmacias stocked with ivermectin and HCQ, rude questions about vaccination status, race of “Brogans” Joe Rogan clones; ACC & TtK now set on moving outside Travis County |
0:18:32 | JCD’s random walk through the networks, “hot lesbian” Becky Worley vs vape industry |
0:24:43 | “Great Marketing Reset” with Pfizer obliterating competition with #Johnson&Johnson on TikTok: “yeah I got the Kroger brand vaccine, what about it?”, “I’ve had about eight seizures in the last two days”; Jen Psaki pledges expenditure of $3bn “to strengthen vaccine confidence” among stupid white religious people; NBC Biden-Obama Roll Up Your Sleeves propaganda event sponsored by Walmart; NBC “expert” Dr. Kavita Patel lies about “shocking” causal link between J&J adenovirus vaccine and blood clots; incomprehensible Moderna CEO sees path to financial security “selling boost” for flu and coronavirus; new NewsHour sponsor Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer spawning hit pieces on Moderna as a viable company |
0:43:37 | PBS and NPR twist the knife in Johnson & Johnson’s back; post-vaccine stroke and aneurism in Andrew Horowitz’ social circles; bizarre NPR “at least one dose” South Dakota report |
0:52:19 | Show 592 from early 2014 predicts “they gotta wipe these people out” via pandemic; NPR on “import surge” of cheap crap from China; Ford shuttering plants due to chip shortage; freedomlist.io update; ACC’s bigoted “creepy swingers” from San Diego |
1:03:26 | Prince Philip interrupts The Great British Bake-Off by dying at 99, 1988 goal to reincarnate as viral pathogen, human overpopulation achieving “plague proportions”; madmen like Prince Charles and Bill Gates rubbing elbows with the Joe Biden crowd; stark raving mad Boris Johnson credits lockdowns instead of vaccines for progress against COVID-19; Justin Trudeau lies “vaccinations on their own are not enough to keep us safe”; Pfizer preserving the fine Josef Mengele tradition by asking FDA for permission “to put vaccines in the arms of 12-year-olds”, Pfizer shill Margaret Brennan: “you have the power to consider it” on issue of mandate |
1:15:10 | Scott Gottlieb mentions in passing to CNBC “I’m on the board of Prizer, of course”, a fact never mentioned by CBS; ACC’s “hard on” for Michael Osterholm spawns idea for No Agenda morning zoo radio show; Osterholm doubles down on “walking into the mouth of this virus monster” with “we really are in a category five hurricane”, potential spook theory; producer notes on vaccine glut, IBM requiring vaccinations for employees’ children, blood sugar spikes
1:29:04 Chuck Schumer and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urge New Yorkers to help hospitals defraud FEMA; 60 Minutes promotes “not some dreaded government microchip to track your every move” implant being tested by government to track your every move |
1:34:41 | Producer Segment: JCD recommends Château Haut-Pezat 2016 |
2:19:02 | Sen. Susan Collins questions CIA Director William Burns about Afghanistan pullout; PBS on Biden’s vow to return US forces by September 11 rather than Trump’s May 1, Schumer: “America does not need to fight forever wars” vs warmonger Mitch MsConnell; former State Department Zaher Wahab and Matthew Hoh to Democracy Now on likelihood of further military involvement by US, 6,000 “contractors” and 10,000 NATO troops to be left in place, “the Taliban are likely to prevail and take over in just about two months” without UN troops |
2:35:24 | Producer notes on “quota pilots” and airlines vs unions, National Association of Realtors “see something say something” social media police; grilled cheese incense |
2:40:37 | “Good Catholic boy” Hunter Biden unable to deny his Russian disinformation laptop to CBS; ACC’s vivid “Joe Biden was president … and he sucked” dream from Show 512 on May 2013; Biden greets Congressional Black Caucus with his usual disjointed ramblings; officer Kimberly Potter to be charged in the shooting of Daunte Wright, Ashli Babbitt’s shooter to be let off due to “insufficient evidence” (CotD); idiotic head-scratching over body camera Greenwich Mean Time during Derek Chauvin trial |
2:56:15 | ABC vs Florida and Texas vaccine passport bans; dire warnings against fake vaccine cards, JCD: “some guy’s charging 250 bucks for something you can get for free … that’s the scandal!”; Scott Gottlieb to Margaret Brennan: “we need to create a way for people to own this”; cheesy promo video for Amazon Care; former Pfizer scientist Michael Yeadon notes “it doesn’t work for the non-vaccinated, it’s not necessary for the vaccinated” and predicts global social credit score database for “totalitarian control of every living being on the planet”, JCD: “IPv6”; producer note on IBM’s task to address Social Security Number shortage, “IBM Deutschland” and the national census under Hitler, ACC: “it’s in their DNA” |
3:12:28 | Producer Segment #2: “radio talking program” |
3:27:26 | Biden narrates acid trip concerning commercial aircraft flying 21,000 miles per hour; Afghanistan death count card to complement his COVID-19 death roster; monotonous NPR report on attempts to revive Iranian nuclear agreement; ABC on sabotage of Iranian nuclear fuel plant |
3:32:42 | Chinese digital Yuan’s barriers to international use; Trudeau signals support for Janet Yellen’s global corporate tax scheme; Gavin Newsom’s pet WE Charity under investigation in Canada |
3:42:05 | 8M Russian troops on Ukrainian border, 2002 film The Sum of All Fears voiceover: “you don’t fight Russia and America, you get Russia and America to fight each other” |
3:45:50 | Project Veritas reveals CNN worked against Trump presidency, JCD: “I was stunned, stunned, by this revelation!”, “the most unbiased news is grassroots, out of people’s basements, with podcasts”; NBC on Biden administration ordering study of Supreme Court expansion |
3:49:11 | Donation Segment |
4:08:43 | Brian Williams “there’s BS on the internet” iso |