0:00:00 | JCD: “Just jab ‘em with this and that and see what happens, see which ones go nuts, which ones grow a second head.” (0:36:33 ) |
0:00:39 | Super Bowl LV predictions from Florida manatee and Troll Room, producer note on mafia fixing sporting events; M5M hyperventilating over “superspreader” cashless Super Bowl with CBS pre-game Joe Biden interview; Chinese KN95 masks for all attendees, JCD: “the souls of the Uighurs are in that mask”; M5M up in arms over fans spreading the virus by yelling at the TV; Netherlands allowing one token friend to participate in family snowball fights; Bermuda using neon orange wristbands to identify plague bearers |
0:09:06 | ABC America This Morning on schools attempting to mandate year-round attendance, White House contemplating mailing out KN95 masks to every household; Alfred Hitchcock clone announces UK ICUs are “full to the rafters”, JCD identifies possible inflection point; Dutch government predicting return to normality around May 2022; German FOIA lawsuit reveals Robert Koch Institute was pressured by Ministry of the Interior to create dire worst-case scenario to justify lockdowns; CDC declares COVID-19 a particular threat to LGBT population |
0:15:07 | Australian government finalizing plans for electronic vaccine passport; JCD’s continuing work on CDC PDFs; Amsterdam “erotica center” relocation plans, Dutch government promoting klik en kolkekt to discourage funshoppen, JCD: “all shopping should be funshoppen!”; producer note explains low testing numbers in Zimbabwe, three-week queue at South African border; Johnson & Johnson chimpanzee adenovirus “adrenochrome” vaccine |
0:25:37 | Dr. Wu Zunyou’s “they didn’t isolate the virus” in context; a defensive Dr. Kat fails to identify Merck as manufacturer of ivermectin, “please don’t take horse medication”; “good night left nut” iso; AstraZeneca vaccine vs UK and South African variants; M5M promoting “polyvalent vaccine” development; UK doing multi-vaccine trial in over-50 population as tribute to Josef Mengele (JCDPPotD); WHO alarmed at “Denmark Cluster Five” originating in mink |
0:39:42 | Bill Gates tries to justify his opposition to open-sourcing Oxford vaccine development: “making a safe vaccine is more complicated than, say, making a jet engine”; Gardasil now being promoted to 45-year-old men; Jill Biden reminds us to mask up for dog walking |
0:52:16 | Democracy Now blasts Israel for not vaccinating enough Palestinians; Dr. Lorraine Day asserts that COVID-19 test swabs are being used to deposit nanoparticles into the brain |
0:59:28 | Prof. Mark Crispin Miller to Red Scare Podcast “giggling dipshits” on his legal battle with NYU over discussion of COVID-19 propaganda, pre-JFK “conspiracy theorist” coined by CIA |
1:16:06 | Producer note on JCD’s “classic voyeurism” with Sofia with an F podcast |
1:21:26 | Producer Segment |
1:49:02 | Bernie Sanders in 2020 claiming to be 33 years old; Trump’s out-of-context “fight like Hell” MIA from C-SPAN transcript; Democrat “fight like Hell” compilation (CotD); sketchy Florida vaccine distribution deal for Ron DeSantis donor Publix; CIA spook Robert Grenier compares the Capitol riot to 9/11 for NPR “without comparing American citizens to al-Qaeda”; Nicolle Wallace all-in on droning American citizens who incite violence like Anwar al-Awlaki; JCD on the FBI’s murder of Black Panther Fred Hampton; Politico singles out evangelical Christians for shaming; Phoenix police “good night left nut” challenge coin |
2:09:51 | Lemon & Cuomo reflect on “state TV” mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a distraction from Marjorie Taylor Greene; AOC discusses her “trauma” with Gayle King; Greene’s “Jewish space lasers” revisited; “it’s all there for people to see” barrage of lies from Jake Tapper; Time Magazine “Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election” piece by Pelosi biographer |
2:26:34 | Preview of Dr. Mary Grabar’s book Debunking Howard Zinn and his influential communist propaganda A People’s History of the United States |
2:32:44 | ACC OTG: New York Times doxxes Capitol protestor; Donald McNeil cancelled for talking about racial slurs; effete Apple fanboy raves about iOS cracking down on non-Apple tracking; CBS warns about iPhones zapping medical devices |
2:40:08 | Donation Segment |
2:53:08 | “Gay Washington Post columnist” Jonathan Capehart teams up with David Brooks to swoon over Biden’s executive orders “doing something to help the American people” with DACA |
2:59:34 | Breaking News: CNN revels in cancellation of “highest-rated show on Fox Business” Lou Dobbs Tonight, Brian Stelter: “this is two plus two equals four, but, it’s also five, six, and seven” |