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1307 de-googling (2020-12-27)

Show 1307 album art
0:00:00ACC: “I need a goat bong!” (1:54:31)
0:00:34JCD reports seven-car Zephyr with attached private car
0:01:20PBS reports person of interest in Christmas morning Nashville RV bomb near AT&T building; producer notes on AT&T building near confluence of three major highways, service disruptions due to city cutting gas lines to backup generators hours later, Sir Geoff Smith’s Big Bang Dueling Piano Bar caught in the blast radius; NBC genius notes “a recording warning that in fifteen minutes there will be a bomb is a pretty clear indication that you need to call in the bomb squad”; NBC harps on “baseless notion” that AT&T is involved in mass surveillance; sketchy conspiracy theories involving outages in Georgia, William Kennard and Staple Street Capital, and fried “supercomputer” doing Dominion audit; media switches from three-name suspect Anthony Quinn Warner to “Tony Warner”; NBC on federal law enforcement basing RV identification on Google street view; “5G paranoia” narrative beginning to emerge, negative image of smoke plume as “proof” of missile strike, JCD: “let’s call Richard Jewell”
0:18:28ACC perplexed by RV Giant Voice System “if you can hear this message, evacuate now” warning with professional voice talent, ACC: “I kinda suspect the smart lamppost to be doing this”, reversed audio construable as “are you ready … Merry Christmas to all”; AT&T “Batman Building” 33 stories tall at 333 Commerce Street
0:26:00Tedros Adhanom celebrates International Day of Epidemic Preparedness by admonishing countries to prepare for natural pandemics as well as “deliberate events”, promotes “universal health coverage” and “one health approach” addressing climate change; WHO changes definition of herd immunity to “threshold of vaccination”; Georgia medical official: “I’m telling you, take this virus”; MSNBC doctor: “that’s good enough to induce what we call herd mentality”, JCD: “she’s a genius!”; 2019 NPR measles hysteria with “two shots” meme revisited; HIV researcher Dr. William Haseltine warns about “vaccine euphoria” and predicts flu-like “decades-long battle”, JCD recalls Norman Lear measles scripts for Law & Order, “it’s the image of the COVID virus” enabling full economic destruction this time round
0:47:28British Columbia trying “more flexible dosing approach” with single dose (CotD); producer notes on vaccine shortages in South Korea and vaccine “volunteers” in Beijing, Fauci’s not-so-bogus claim to have measured Santa Claus’ immunity, Swedish CDC weighs in on PCR
0:58:06MIT researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff connects low COVID-19 death rate in Nigeria to glyphosate in biodiesel, JCD: “it think it’s total bullcrap”; ABC News “breaking news!” teaser under-predicting 90,000 dead, new “every second” and “every minute” memes, “this emergency is our darkest day” iso, “heartbreaking message for the holidays” from some random guy in Chicago, “dramatic decisions about who lives and who dies”, JCD: “death panels, Sarah Palin was right!”; Huntington Beach Mayor Pro Tem and MMA fighter Tito Ortiz excoriated by Karens for not being a rule follower, “there are zero ICU beds available!” lie; disgraced Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine issues public health guidelines for New Year’s Eve sex orgies
1:22:53ABC News accuses Trump of “sowing chaos before Christmas” with relief bill, bitches about golfing at Mar-a-Lago and presidential pardons, “roʕʕen to the core” tweet from Sen. Ben Sasse; Matt Taibbi compares Democrats’ lackluster relief bill with the more ambitious HEROES Act; Substack now doing non-2.0-compliant podcasts; ABC News “reality check” on Operation Warp Speed, “gets into people’s arms” meme, ACC theory: no one wants to be first in line, Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine article; PBS notes Hungary and Germany rolling out a pathetic 10,000 doses each
1:42:45New “Release the Kraken” evidence, Washington Post identifies Sidney Powell’s secret witness as pro-Trump podcaster; Michael Flynn to American Thought Leaders on “crucible moment” in American history; ACC’s Brooklyn conservatives still in a second-term bubble
1:50:30Producer Segment: 1969 Marshall McLuhan Playboy interview
2:25:38Kamala Harris unleashes barrage of lies about celebrating Kwanzaa with “the elders” (CotD)
2:32:24Biden’s “this country is doomed” taken in and out of context on call with civil rights leaders, incongruous use of “y’all”, history rewrite with Trump’s “incitement of violence against peaceful social justice protestors”, “severe attack” on right to vote vs record election turnout, spittle-drooling “I’m gonna jecutive order to do this!” defense of the Constitution, Trump now “this guy”; JCD laugh track for “precedent-busting appointments” including Pete Buttegieg
2:43:04FBI investigating “scary sight” of a guy with a jet pack flying near LAX
2:47:05ACC OTG: new iPhone owners unable to activate devices without iCloud, ACC heartily recommends new “de-Googled” GrapheneOS Pixel 4a
2:55:44Ursula von der Leyen announces “the United Kingdom is a third world country”; useless PBS Brexit report vs Al Jazeera on the continuing issue of fishing rights, ACC: “trawlers, people!”, “local content” rules for automobile manufacturers, ACC: “heel, Boris, heel!
3:06:05Donation Segment
3:17:35“Take this virus!” iso; David Brooks introduces NewsHour partnership with Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty: “Karen and I did not coordinate our poinsettias”, JCD: “it’s like two women that come to the party with the same dress on”, ACC: “it should be Tumulty and Tard
3:22:53Shenkar College TEDx talk “Own Nothing, Have Everything” by millennial Orit Dolev with vision of socialist utopia: “how would the world look like with no belongings, no commodities, no wallet, no assets, or property?”, JCD: “they don’t address hookers!”