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1296 Kraken Keeper (2020-11-19)

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0:00:00JCD: “Well git in line, boy!” (1:10:15)
0:00:33Rudy Giuliani live with Sidney Powell and Joe DiGenova; rumors of Philadelphia mobster “Skinny Joey” Merlino producing 300,000 ballots with controversial Sharpie markers
0:04:29JCD: “COVID’s our money-maker”; Dr. Roger Hodkinson addresses Edmonton Alberta committee meeting: “this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public”, government-imposed lockdowns “politics playing medicine and that’s a very dangerous game”, recommendation for 3,000-5,000 IU of vitamin D; former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb: “the next one may well be a flu”; ABC News on El Paso nurse reaching “breaking point” after hearing a patient compare COVID-19 to the flu; Gottlieb: “we’re probably going to infect another 15% of the population over the next three months, we’ve already infected probably 15% of the US population, we did that over nine months”
0:19:07Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker: “this is not a stay at home order, but the best way for us to avoid a stay at home order is to stay home”; Gavin Newsom caught shoulder-to-shoulder at French Laundry birthday party, “single-serve disposable dishes” rule revisited
0:26:20Anthony Fauci recommends people not “abandon public health measures” after getting vaccinated; Robert F. Kennedy Jr. points out that vaccine will not prevent transmission of the virus; Pfizer vaccine developed in partnership with German company BioNTech, 90% effectiveness one-upped by Moderna with 94.5% one-upped by Pfizer with 95%, BioNTech’s October 2019 IPO and Gates Foundation money, personalized cancer therapy promo video; fearmonger Prof. Michael Osterholm bemoans the lack of a federal government pro-vaccine propaganda program; Overcast app developer Marco Arment on liberals feeling shame when they test positive for coronavirus; promo video for United Nations Digital ID “from the day you are born join to the day you die part”; Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf announces availability of app “to fight the COVID-19 virus”, gets irked at reporter’s technology question; JCD’s Democrat doctor neighbors convinced virus is “expanding exponentially”
0:52:52Dog walkers accused of having 78% higher chance of infection, COVID Shampoo for Dogs (with CBD); producer note on “Gen COVID” subjected to plexiglass cages with occasional mask breaks in New York schools; ACC scattering Whole Foods shoppers with a single sneeze
1:00:51World Economic Forum adds House on Fire to its podcast lineup along with The Great Reset; Klaus Schwab predicts “cyber-pandemic” dwarfing COVID-19 in its destructive potential, ACC: “if the internet went down, I think we’d die”, JCD’s ham license up for renewal; CBS News on New York City schools shutting down due to 3% positivity rate; ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization basing digital travel credential on UN model; CBS News asserts doctor shortage and promotes Pfizer vaccine, JCD questions change from 94% to 95% effectiveness in one week; Paul Joseph Watson on belief that 5M people have died in the UK
1:14:40Hydrogen power back in the spotlight as Boris Johnson lays plans to Build Back Better, JCD on peculiar banshee-like whine emitted by hydrogen-powered vehicles, hidden problems with battery technologies; New Zealand on track to meet 2030 SDGs sustainable development goals; James Delingpole to Paul Joseph Watson on climate change and coronavirus as power grabs; JCD checking toilet paper at Costco after ABC News urges panic buying; Delingpole: British citizens have been “softened up” to be credulous of scientific technocracy cult
1:27:01Sen. John Kennedy asks Dorsey and Zuckerburg “do you have somebody on your staff who protects you from reading things that they think you shouldn’t?”, JCD recommends Jacques Ellul’s The Technological Society; conservatives ditching Twitter and YouTube for Parler and Rumble, YouTube now playing catch-up by running more ads; official count of 1,333,094 feeds; Megyn Kelly “burn that business suit!” stories with Janice Dean
1:36:01Delingpole describes 2020 as “massive festering boil which has finally burst in our faces”, British university system with “worthless degrees in My Little Pony Studies”; Tedros Adhanom: “people will still need to be tested, isolated, and cared for” in spite of vaccine
1:39:51Producer Segment: “anyways” penetrating Dutch podcast scene
2:22:53ABC News main content now reiterating tease twice over, Kamala Harris “welcomed by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham” lie
2:28:23Release the Kraken: “Kraken Keeper” Sidney Powell to Maria Bartiromo: Smartmatic Chairman of the Board retired Adm. Peter Neffinger now on Biden transition team, need to “backfill” Biden votes in response to unanticipated Trump landslide; Rudy Giuliani: Smartmatic founded in Venezuela “for the specific purpose of fixing elections”; 2018 Executive Order 13848 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election; Dominion VP Eric Coomer’s “Trump’s not gonna win” tweets; Jake Tapper cites DHS evidence against Trump’s “deranged conspiracy theory”; Powell reads from Smartmatic whistleblower affidavits; new Newsmax personality Alan Dershowitz on Trump strategy of sending election to House due to lack of electors; Lindsey Graham whipsaw from ABC’s Mary Bruce
2:45:44CFR elite former Time editor and State Department “chief propagandist” leading Biden transition team; BBC reflects on “sedate” nature of Biden’s relation with media and anticipates a cozy relationship; do-nothing Tucker Carlson claims his position at Fox News is expanding, JCD: “they don’t want him!”; M5M “peaceful transfer of power” compilation
2:51:41Special Operations elevated to its own branch of the US military in apparent effort to disentangle it from CIA; media hysterical over drawdown to 2,500 boots on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq; Pentagon audit to occur 31 years behind schedule in 2027; MNS “makes no sense” report on Trump advisors “convincing” him that a military strike on Iran would be a bad idea
2:57:42Jerome Powell: GDP rose 33% in Q3, Judy “gold standard” Shelton rejected by Senate
3:01:12Donation Segment
3:16:07JCD irked at bogus new report asserting vegans have twice as much sex as carnivores; producer confuses racist talking tube by asking if Kamala Harris is drunk