1295 Shred and Burn (2020-11-15)

0:00:00 | JCD: “Are you listening to the boys this morning?” (2:46:02 ) |
0:00:34 | ACC-JCD Sidney Powell turf war; CBS COVID-19 “raging across every single state in America!” rundown, patients airlifted from El Paso hospitals, “rare access” to Rome hospital; Anthony Fauci notes “now is the time to do what you’re told” with creepy guffaw, JCD: “you gotta iso that”; Oregon Gov. Kate Brown notes “incredible spike” in cases with a single death in one day, “the dreaded winter surge is here”, new “freeze” meme; Lori “Beetlejuice” Lightfoot gloats “science is back, baby” in poorly-produced ad; “you can stick your poison vaccine up your arse” chant in the North of England; British Health Secretary Matt Hancock: “if this virus rolls out, it takes three weeks between the two doses”; Atrium Health representative asked about “distributing this virus”; “the good news is, apparently there’s a virus coming”; Austin producer notes no increase in COVID floor occupancy, Chinese study finds link to reduction in sperm count, Manchester mac & cheese to circumvent bar restrictions |
0:19:16 | Western Australia launches G2G Now app to enforce quarantine with in-app police check-ins; Greece outlawing non-business internet use during business hours; Elon Musk and Erykah Badu finally waking up to the fact that PCR tests are bogus |
0:22:44 | CBS News wails about hospitals facing “a crisis like they’ve never seen before!”, “darkest days” and “dark days” memes from the updated style guide; World Economic Forum globalist Klaus Schwab in July: “we have to prepare for a more angry world” with a Great Reset; Justin Trudeau identifies Build Back Better as stepping stone toward 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, COVID-19 “has provided an opportunity for a reset”; Deutsche Bank proposes 5% tax on the “privilege” of WFH work from home, JCD: “all they want to do is rob us!” |
0:36:28 | Remdesivir linked to increased death rates; note from “dumb ER doctor” on Bayes’ Theorem and PCR; MIT AI purports to diagnose asymptomatic COVID-19 from sound of cough, JCD: “this is bullcrap!”, “not meant to diagnose symptomatic people”; “the state’s now counting those patients in a new way”, JCD: “that’s what they did with the elections!”; producer note on Walmart advising employees to panic buy for the winter |
0:46:32 | ACC predicts Trump placing blame on China for election fraud and COVID-19; an idealistic Lou Dobbs: Democrats “are first Americans and not Democrats”, Sidney Powell on finding financial ties between state officials and Dominion Voting Systems, “statistical evidence” of criminal fraud; M5M “baseless claims of voter fraud” compilation; Hillary Clinton “should not concede under any circumstances” revisited; M5M “days or even weeks” compilation; Georgia PBS station’s report on brittle Dominion system from a week before the election; FEC Chair Trey Trainor to NewsMax: “I do believe that there’s voter fraud taking place”; NPR report opens with “who’s in the White House in January 2021 is clear: President-elect Joe Biden”; producer note on local TV stations requesting AP data feed be bypassed because it was calling results based on zero data; PBS cybersecurity expert on lack of testing on Dominion systems; creepy Powell “release the Kraken” iso |
1:05:54 | Covington lawyer Lin Wood: Biden’s attempt to steal election did not anticipate level of Trump support; 2018 NBC report on hackers exploiting Dominion machines bought on Ebay; Powell to Jeanine Pirro on exploits against Dominion and Smartmatic software; Rep. Louie Gohmert on seizure of Scytel servers in Frankfurt Germany by US Army or CIA; Powell stops herself from elaborating on “people that are taking great risks” to come forward; Powell to Dobbs: “I wish I knew” what FBI and DHS are up to, “this is essentially a new American Revolution”; Powell to Pirro: sources cited in report by Rep. Carolyn Maloney “wiped from the internet”, ties between Lord Malloch Brown and Smartmatic, funding from Venezuela and Cuba, conspiracy “should be investigated by military intelligence”, CIA vs DIA revisited |
1:23:33 | National Endowment for Democracy Chair Andrew Card: “no evidence” of fraud, “we just had a great celebratory participation of democracy” and Trump “should leave office holding his head up high” (CotD); NPR newly-elected GOP Rep. Carlos Gimenez irks NPR host Ailsa Chang by noting Hispanics are unimpressed by socialism, “speaking of values” non-sequitur to Trump concession, reversal of 1997 Miami mayoral election due to absentee ballot fraud, sharply-inhaling Chang cuts off Gimenez for arguing against national mask mandate |
1:33:20 | Trump in 2018: “unfortunately Carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount” |
1:35:00 | Producer Segment: US Embassy “shred and burn” protocol |
2:17:27 | 1995-2010 Generation Z with no recollection of 9/11, lunch in the school cafeteria helicopter parenting; “worst video ever” with Kappa Delta sorority girl bitching about “sleep their way through the alphabet” challenge; Peter Thiel on the “charismatic” violence inherent in communism; “passion” vs work in Gen Z mythology, dependence on iPhones and “meds” |
2:41:10 | “MAGA Country” now Newsmax and OAN, JCD: “you might as well watch Alex Jones!” |
2:42:58 | Donation Segment: JCD unimpressed with sour beer; ACC’s Swamp Thing appearance |
3:00:34 | “Congratulations!” iso loses to the Kraken; “sitting in his car podcast” with fast-talking lawyer deconstructing New York Times article using “President-elect Biden” and “Mr. Trump”; Siri answers “how old is the President?” with Kamala Harris’ date of birth, ACC tries out “drunk or not drunk” variation |