0:00:00 | ACC: “Seemus is causing chowse!” (2:23:20 ) |
0:00:34 | Herman Cain dead at 74 “after battle with COVID-19” linked by M5M to Tulsa Trump rally |
0:03:25 | “Crazy doctor” Stella Immanuel in front of US Supreme Court proclaiming use of hydroxychloroquine to cure 350 COVID-19 patients, ACC’s friends outraged at e-mail with “crazy African woman”, videos rescued by producers prior to global deletion after Trump retweet; America’s Frontline Doctors head Dr. Simone Gold on M5M war on hydroxychloroquine vs Remdesivir; Immanuel calls on physicians to “stop being murderers” by supporting Fauci and WHO; Squarespace “Website Expired” message for America’s Frontline Doctors; Ohio Board of Pharmacy retroactively pulls hydroxychloroquine approval; CBS on Rep. Louie Gohmert’s refusal to wear a mask and blame for mask on positive coronavirus test |
0:15:26 | “Raging mask debate” compilation; CBS on Fauci vs “outright medical lies” from Immanuel; Trump highlights “thirty-third use of the Defense Production Act” on Kodak to produce pharmaceutical chemicals, DACA deal and two-year expiration date on executive orders; Fauci signals possible goggle-wearing requirement; May 6 “people should not be walking around with masks” revisited; Frontline “United States of Conspiracy” smear on Alex Jones and Roger Stone, Yamiche Alcindor commentary and Young Turks outtakes; Rep. Hank Johnson: Bill Barr’s opening statement reads “like it was written by Alex Jones or Roger Stone” |
0:32:25 | Riots in response to Paraguay lockdown; record 723 new cases in Victoria Australia linked to nursing homes; Dutch PM’s no-mask promise vs 1.5 meter restrictions, JCD proposes social distancing belt; arrogant teachers’ unions refusing to help families of essential workers; school boards preparing for students who forget to bring their masks |
0:39:02 | Three teen girls post “America sucks right now” July 4 TikTok video; ACC irked by Jeff Bezos “$13bn in one day!” meme, “I’m surprised you used your privilege” troll-baiting on Twitter |
0:45:15 | Media all-in on Moderna vaccine phase III trial, Fed chair Jerome Powell: “we’ve gotta hope for the worst… hope for the, hope for the best and plan for the worst” (CotD) |
0:46:54 | Norah O’Donnell grills a nervously squirming Bill Gates over 80% side effect rate in Moderna phase II trial, “yeah, but some of that is, is not dramatic where, you know, it’s just, you know, super painful”, “we hope just two” doses will be necessary, JCD’s Pfizer briefing scenario: “and here’s the kinda questions you might wanna ask Bill”; potential recycled glass vial shortage |
0:54:31 | Pelosi requiring masks on floor of House of Representatives on pain of eviction; Jerry Nadler scolds committee Republicans for unmasking to sip coffee; “reclaiming my time” Bill Barr testimony compilation; Rep. Debbie Lesko points out Nadler’s denial of the existence of Antifa and Pramila Jayapal’s “perfectly peaceful” lie, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries grandstands with “refuses to leave” conspiracy theory, doubles down on “inject themselves with bleach” lie with “that’s exactly what he said”, Rep. Val Demings obsesses over Michael Cohen’s release, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee poses trap question “pacifically” about “systemic racism”, Rep. Kelly Armstrong allows Barr to speak about the struggles of US Marshals defending Portland federal courthouse |
1:12:00 | Defender in Austin AK-47 incident questioned and released, BLM’s Chinese fireworks and high-power lasers; Barr derails Rep. Lucy McBath’s Obamacare screed with “I have two children who are cancer survivors”; maskless Nadler tells citizen journalist Antifa is “a myth” |
1:20:55 | Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder reflects on Trump’s “deep knowledge of quantum mechanics” |
1:23:04 | Producer Segment: JCD’s WWII-era ration book; Fauci wheeze iso |
1:51:22 | Kayleigh McEnany bashes Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler for slandering federal agents; ACC irked at lack of information on arrested rioters, JCD on the illogic of Wheeler protesting his own government, McEnany attacks Birx-bashers at New York Times, “Kayleigh, put on a mask!” iso, more softball questions from One America News hairspray babe |
2:00:45 | Virtual House subcommittee hearing with Silicon Valley elites including normal-eyed Jeff Bezos clone, Trump threatening action over Section 203, “this must end” summary from Rep. David Cicilline, JCD on Silicon Valley’s unrestricted practice of buying startups, Rep. Demings grills liar Sundar “Pikai” over integration of user data from DoubleClick acquisition; producer note on the benefits of an OTG lifestyle |
2:15:27 | Vape Wars: “disgusting” IQOS vs resurgence of smoking reported by Wall Street Journal |
2:19:10 | Barr surprises Rep. Jordan with news of unmasking investigation by US Attorney John Bash; author Seamus Bruner on Steele dossier as distraction from Clinton Cash and Obama administration’s collusion with Russia in shady Uranium One deal; Valerie Jarrett tries to deflect questions from Maria Bartiromo about dossier onto the Orange Man: “look!” |
2:30:31 | Donation Segment: Joe Rogan repeatedly outs ACC as example of “tall white” alien |
2:43:12 | Syrian White Helmets terrorists admit to staging chemical attacks using toothpaste foam |
2:45:43 | Mystery of Stonehenge origins solved once again, reminiscences about the site in the 1970s; JCD audio graffiti for WBUR ASMR LeVar Burton interview; Barr “who did? you did” iso |