0:00:00 | JCD: “Look at all these women around here, they’re all dogs!” |
0:00:35 | Netherlands public transportation no longer usable without RFID card; one person killed in police shooting at out-of-hand beach dance party, Rotterdam mayor proposes party ban, discussions of chipping troublemakers; public transport director stuck in turnstile, card also usable for school lunch money; ACC recommends book Moord namens de ‘Kroon’? by Ine Veen on report of second shooter in Pim Fortuyn assassination |
0:06:48 | Ted Kennedy dead at 77, distraction from economy, JCD’s The Mentalist interrupted by “breaking news”; OMB $10T and need for self-sacrifice; PBS special on Kennedy clan, JFK election and West Virginia anti-Catholic sentiment & corruption, Tip O’Neill on campaign bribery, Daley-Obama parallel; ACC on voting machine hacking, JCD on 1970s film connecting mob families with presidents |
0:17:59 | Anti-Obama healthcare “honeypot” ad running during Keith Olbermann, “you are hope” Scientology ad, ACC: Dianetics “not a bad book”; Olbermann Worse Person in the World Wally Herger over “proud right-wing terrorist” comment, Denver Democrat headquarters vandalized by Democrat canvasser; “Republican” bragging about $700 per month insurance policy; new HSA talking point |
0:36:03 | Obama “re-appointing” Bernanke for second term, sham confirmation processes; ACC visiting Blackwater-esque security guy in Spain |
0:38:10 | And Now Back to Real News: moon rock given to former Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees turns out to be petrified wood; CVC’s birthday |
0:42:27 | NYT story on stolen Goldman Sachs high-frequency trading software and market manipulation, programmer Sergey Aleynikov left Goldman Sachs for $1.2M job, FBI arrest a mere day later, missing $60bn |
0:49:39 | Dutch royal family AP lawsuit a “nothing to see here” for Mozambique villa scandal |
0:50:55 | Cash for old appliances; Financial Times on upcoming BP-Libya deal and Lockerbie “bomber” release, dropped appeal for evidence suppression; ACC on CIA loyal to Clinton-Bush crowd |
0:57:07 | 11k veterans potentially exposed to hepatitis and HIV via contaminated VA colonoscopy equipment; JCD on CIA taking out Kennedys, Nova on chemically erasing memories in rats, ZIP zeta inhibitory peptide; three-shot flu vaccine rollout coming up, mysterious CDC 500 swine flu deaths, Dont Inject Me — the Swine Flu Vaccine Song by Health Ranger; Bloomberg predicts 1.8M hospitalizations |
1:07:29 | Doctor to Alaska town hall on low Medicare reimbursement driving GPs out of business, pushing HSAs, ACC’s mother’s “never never” of credit lifestyle; ACC on tie-less Obama administration; CVC fashion show Sunday; JCD on poorly-produced Miss Universe with no swimsuit butt shots, rigged so last contestants always get highest scores (JCDPPotD) |
1:19:34 | Iceland threatened by IMF to repay Landsbanki debt to the tune of 80% of GDP, Landsbanki advised by Peter Orszag, JCD recommends airport wool shop, ACC on the virtues of layaway |