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1239 Beaches are Open (2020-05-03)

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0:00:00ACC: “Rubber meets the road with Joe.” JCD: “He’s a doer!” (2:17:24)
0:00:34“The beaches are back open, whoohoo, yeah!” resurrected, JCD: “no beaches for Republicans” in Orange County, ACC’s “98.2° FM” rattlesnake and elk dinner at Lonesome Dove, “we look horrible but we’re free”; Alex Jones “I will eat your ass!” iso; Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: “we will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to we will arrest you and we will take you to jail, period!”; Twitter outrage at all the New York City Republicans ruining it for everyone; “army of NYPD officers” enforcing mask-wearing and social distancing
0:12:08CDC death data revised down from 66,000 to 37,000 and explained by social media as “there’s a lag in the data!!”; Andrew Horowitz’ sister all-in on Biden election conspiracies, ACC reads the First Amendment; Fauci to Anderson Pooper & Sanjay Gupta on the various hoops that must be jumped through before restrictions can be lifted
0:18:20Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interview on YouTube “ValueTainment” channel on M5M including Fox News owned by big pharma to the tune of 70% of evening news revenue, Fauci’s cover-up of leukemia-tainted vaccines and Judy Mikovitz’ AIDS discovery, JCD reminisces about Baxter International’s H5N1-tainted flu vaccine from 2009; Kennedy on Fauci’s vaccine patents: “I think it’s power, and I think the same is true of Gates”, “Tony Fauci has powers that no American president has ever had”, Democrat Party all-in on forcing medications in a manner forbidden by Nuremberg Charter as a war crime; Kennedy: social media companies spying on users and censoring information because they are “entangled” with big pharma
0:32:56YouTube executive Neal Mohan on constantly-changing censorship policies for its “evaluators”, “intelligence desk” tracking emergent conspiracy theories, “this the power of an open platform!”, “authoritative voices” on masks; Kennedy’s Instagram posts vetted by lawyers
0:38:54Hydroxychloroquine as prophylactic in malaria-stricken Africa and India; Kennedy claiming most of CDC’s influenza deaths are actually from pneumonia; Trump refers to his discussion with handler “Deborah” about Remdesivir, Gilead CEO announces donation of 1.5M vials, AP adds phony applause and “that’s fantastic” from Trump; low-dose lung radiotherapy and hydrogen peroxide treatments, UVLrx intravenous UV for influenza from 2016; Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge and donor-advised funds, JCD irked by Grover Norquist’s “malarkey” pledge
0:55:34“Matter of life and death” promo video for Google-funded Report for America, JCD: “well the CIA’s been doing this for, like, decades!”; producer note on low grocery chain infection rates
1:01:54Democracy Now on Maryland National Guard protecting 500,000 COVID-19 tests “like Fort Knox” from seizure by the federal government; Executive Order Securing the United States Bulk-Power System from “foreign adversaries” vs cheap Chinese electrical transformers
1:06:43Democracy Now on Andrew Cuomo’s contact tracing program to be overseen by Michael Bloomberg, new schedule for cleaning and disinfection of subway cars “shelters of last resort”
1:08:01ACC OTG: Australian Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy enthuses about Apple forking over navigation query data, ACC: “fuck you, Apple, that was the one thing I didn’t think they would ever do!”, titters for “Google does track people!”; Dr. Michael Osterholm to CIDRAP podcast on downside of immunity passport schemes; JCD story: yellow fever certificate from travel from Peru to Brazil; soliciting designs for fraudulent antibody badges
1:19:20Post-#MeToo Weenie and the Butt return to Family Guy
1:21:19Producer Segment: Lawrence O’Donnell “someone in that troll room is out of control”
1:40:49ACC tinkering with vim and mutt, JCD: “nerd!”
1:42:32Joe Biden addresses Tara Reade accusations with Mika Brzezinski by dodging the question “do you remember her?”, “twenty-seven years ago” talking point; “believe all women” rebranded by M5M pundits to “all women should be heard”, Biden: “women have a right to be heard”; AP quietly changes headline claiming Reade did not file a sexual harassment complaint; Krystal Ball takes Brzezinski to task for not mentioning the corroborating witnesses, Saagar Enjeti: “what about the MSNBC bubble?”, little chance of recovering any evidence from Senate archives; incomprehensible Biden “my office mumble mumble been run” iso
1:59:45Investigative journalist Rich McHugh to Democracy Now on “lifelong Democrat” former neighbor Lynda LaCasse and lack of evidence in Biden archive; LaCasse recounts Reade’s story to deaf ears; ACC asks “why now?”, JCD on “next man up” Democrat Party; Democracy Now in 2018 on opposition to Brett Kavanaugh from National Council of Churches; random “mixed signals from our nation’s leaders” clip; LaCasse: “mostly it’s an anti-Trump thing”
2:17:31Tara Reade to Democracy Now on her “digital penetration” at Biden’s hands, “you’re nothing to me” and eventual firing, Reade’s mother’s 1993 call to Larry King Live; JCD notes “she was literally gorgeous”; alleged harassment of “well endowed” 14-year-old Eva Murray in 2008
2:27:59Justin Trudeau unilaterally passes ban on “military-grade assault-style” weapons
2:32:40Donation Segment
2:43:16Smoking-gun admission from James Comey to Nicolle Wallace that sending FBI agents to interview Michael Flynn was something he “wouldn’t have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation… a more organized administration”; Michael Flynn’s new lawyer Sidney Powell to Maria Bartiromo on coercion and exculpatory evidence concealed by FBI, Eric Holder a partner at sketchy previous law firm Covington & Burling; Obama’s warning to Trump about North Korea and Flynn, CIA hatred for military intelligence types, Flynn opposition to continuing war in Afghanistan, ACC: “I think Peter Strzok is possibly a double agent” for Russia, JCD Muslim Brotherhood or China theory, Lawrence O’Donnell “someone in that Troll Room is out of control!”
2:53:45Trey Gowdy to Fox News contrasting Flynn’s treatment with Hillary Clinton’s, interviews masquerading as defense briefings, “this is not the Department of Let’s See If We Can Get Away With It”, “did he read a Chekhov novel?”, predicts distinct absence of thousands of sealed indictments; NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake in 2018: never talk to the FBI
3:05:35Bill Gates “producing childhood death” iso; Biden “we have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse no matter what”; ACC unnerved by recursive bell peppers