0:00:00 | JCD: “Podcaster, podcaster, let ’em through, let ’em go!” (1:41:05 ) |
0:00:37 | Reminiscences of 1985-1999 GEnie service; ACC’s new Nuraphone headphones |
0:03:56 | Producer reports of relatives dying of non-coronavirus but still becoming statistics; yearly CDC chart of pneumonia deaths; New York ICU doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell warns about potentially lethal ventilator air pressure; Trump “what do you have to lose?” for hydroxychloroquine as “gift from heaven”; NPR report: “the ventilator itself can do damage to the lung tissue”, “limited value”, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation alternative |
0:19:11 | ACC’s new vocabulary item “assay”; Dr. Birx attributes states with less than 5% in spite of high testing rates entirely to mitigation, no mention of different strains, about 12 days behind Spain and Italy; FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn: antibody test “a tool to help us get people back to work”; Trump questioned about “very powerful testing” being done by airlines; current crop of unprofessional second-string journalists; Trump calls out fearmongering media, “I don’t even hear of any glitch” in banks doling out stimulus; “some of you do it well” press conference comedy interlude; douchebag “who dropped the ball?” question from Jim Acosta, Trump propagating Kansas 1917 meme for Spanish flu |
0:37:10 | Anthony Fauci predicts “surprise outbreak” at George Washington University in 2017 and implies it is because of his role at NIAID; Dr. Drew Pinsky walking back his early skepticism, “I was part of the army that Dr. Fauci put together” in 1983 for AIDS epidemic, “we congratulated ourselves for scaring the Hell out of a generation” |
0:43:31 | Chris Hayes shows footage of Bill Gates describing idiotic questions from Trump about vaccines: “his name was Robert Kennedy Jr. ”, HIV vs HPV, “global controls will have to be imposed” jingle; Fauci and Savannah Guthrie commiserate about the “issue” of states’ rights; Gates laughingly admits he has not talked to the President, “our foundation and some other governments”, no mass gatherings until entire population is vaccinated, compares himself to movie hero, “the awareness of this is a threat”; Chinese using QR codes to track its enthusiastic shitizens; Gates: “eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person”, ACC: “I suggest yellow stars” |
1:00:47 | Fauci continuing to deflect Trump’s enthusiasm for chloroquine; Trump opposes mail-in voting because “they intend to cheat”; Mike Pence dodges question from Nightline host Byron Pitts about guilt over pandemic deaths, medical equipment being delivered “by the millions” |
1:09:29 | Chinese government front NBA donating masks to New York; Mike Pompeo’s warning to National Governors Association revisited; ACC unable to block Chinese no-touch thermometer spam; China Daily inserts in both New York Times and Washington Post, reporters possibly unknowingly compromised; New York Times article agitating for “national network of nimble new online newsrooms”; YouTube video of empty hospitals linked in Newsletter; sketchy report from Lester Holt laments lack of “unified defense plan”, “daily suicide mission” for New York nurses, Andrew Cuomo signals his willingness to seize medical equipment: “you’re damn right I am”; Gavin Newsom “if you want to establish a framework of martial law … we have the capacity to do that”; Cuomo claiming to need more than 20,000 emergency medical personnel |
1:26:19 | #HollywoodJustFoundOut meme lampooning whiny celebrities; JCD: Hari Sreenivasan looking like Boris Karloff; Bill Maher interviews Bernie Sanders on his laptop microphone, blatant lies aboutTrump withholding aid to governors who are not “nice to him”, tired old “refuses to vacate the office” meme; “coronavirus coronavirus coronavirus” iso |
1:33:25 | Decorated World War II veteran James “Maggie” Magellas dead at 103; former New York now predicting “check mark recovery” |
1:35:13 | Producer Segment: “Adam is the origin, and John reveals the end of it all” |
2:10:53 | Producer note on impact on trash businesses; Mike Tyson/Bill Gates soundalike Surgeon General Jerome Adams “unpacks” surgical mask guidance due to emergence of “pre-symptomatic” carriers; JCD tests ACC’s “stinkeye” theory, Costco phone zombies, ACC calls for No Agenda Shop masks; breathy-voiced NPR dingbat on former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s advice to those who are “asymptomatic and don’t even know that you have symptoms at all” |
2:22:56 | Canadian Health Minister Patty Hajdu all-in on Chinese data and global government; NPR: “bodies are piling up” in Ecuador; Dutch “obey the rules!” buses, UK Dalek prank |
2:28:02 | Trump enthuses about the demise of handshaking at press conference; USA TODAY corroborates Trump’s claim that Obama administration depleted PPE stockpile due to H1N1 outbreak; Trump assures reporter that Biden isn’t the one writing nasty things about him |
2:34:59 | Biden still behind a lectern in his living room with IFB and teleprompter; futile “additional checks to families” attempt at coherence; Joe Rogan voices preference for Trump over Biden |
2:37:57 | 5G masts being set on fire in Great Britain, ACC: “it’s pre-5G” |
2:39:37 | Donation Segment: Stargate mass meditation event; Jitsi “Brady Bunch on acid” |
2:56:26 | Trump voices support for removal of Captain Brett Crozier of command of USS Theodore Roosevelt over letter leaked to media; Gen. Mark Milley to Fox on loss of “trust and confidence” |
3:04:50 | Trump answers “yes or no question, not that we expect the answer to be yes or no” about firing of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael Atkinson, “he took a fake report and he brought it to Congress with an emergency”; NPR summarizes Atkinson “first to alert Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump’s impeachment” |
3:07:54 | Trump’s meeting with virus-free oil executives who “will figure it out”, OPEC in danger of self-destructing, bogus “1952 or something” price of $0.90, “I’ll do whatever I have to do” |
3:15:06 | March announcement of DEA Project Python targeting Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación |
3:17:48 | Deluge of producer notes and videos of empty emergency hospital tents |