Call Clooney!

1208 Weeping Angels (2020-01-16)

Show 1208 album art
0:00:00ACC: “Ba-la-la-la-la-la-la!” (0:56:51)
0:00:33Elizabeth Warren accuses Bernie Sanders of calling her a liar in 2016 on CNN Democrat debate hot mic, “hi Bernie” from clueless Tom Steyer; chickenshit moderator: “Senator Warren, what did you think when Senator Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?”; CNN’s Jess McIntosh reminds us CNN originated the story, “Senator Warren confirmed in a statement” circular reporting; Biden channeling Obama with “we have to remember who we are”; racist Steyer appeals to “the black and brown communities where you can’t breathe the air or drink the water”, CNN unable to mention Steyer’s coal fortune, one guy claps for climate state of emergency; Warren and Sanders squabble over date mathematics; Bernie: “before I tell you that, lemme tell you something else”; Biden “negodiating with other countries” blather
0:16:06Fox & Friends black and white debate side-by-side with Trump rally in color; Amy Klobuchar “pretty güd” and “Republican oppoʔents” isos, improbable story of coat rack full of “my friends”, “Senator Klobuchar, let me finish my question” gaffe, “her name is, um, uh, Governor Kelly” botch, JCD: “she looks like kind of a Nick Park character, Wallace and Gromit”; Bernie supporters also all-in on hating CNN; Warren promising to singlehandedly wipe out student debt; Warren and Klobuchar guilty of using gendered language for the president; Warren promises to singlehandedly lower drug prices; 25% of patients waiting more than two months for chemotherapy under NHS; Biden “come on, man!” compilation, “crackpot or cocaine”
0:39:00Elliott Abrams sending tax money to “the legitimate government of Venezuela” and “the free press” via propaganda headquarters Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Affairs
0:46:50Trump announces “phase one” of China deal while Pelosi procession walks articles of impeachment to the Senate; megalomaniac Pelosi blathers about “an impeachment that will last forever”, even CNN queasy at signing ceremony with jubilant Tiffany pen selfies; Steve Mnuchin to Lou Dobbs on deal benefiting Chinese middle class by benefiting US workers
0:58:36Lev Parnas to Rachel Maddow on assassination conspiracy theory based on text messages from Robert Hyde stalking Marie Yovanovitch: “I’ve never seen him not drunk”, Maddow covers her ass with “I asked Mr. Parnas several times” aside, Trump’s use of Hurricane Dorian as excuse to send Pence to meet Zelenskiy, ACC Red Book: Pence out for 2020 election
1:10:05Producer Segment: ACC’s uppercase “chip in” alerts; JCD’s HTML mail logic
1:49:36Online deepfake audio creator butchers JCD’s voice into JFK, Clinton, and Obama
1:52:19ACC OTG: smart TVs spying on owners’ families with microphones and cameras, illegal CIA Weeping Angel program; dating sites collecting hundreds of pages of subscribers’ personal data, Grindr owned by Chinese gaming company Kunlun; CNBC on Plaid banking middleware using screen scraping techniques to offer financial services and harvest data, ACC irked by JCD’s “I think we get the picture”, JCD predicts mob extracting nickels and dimes worldwide
2:16:22Dave Hodges’ Common Sense Show podcast on DHS drones seeking missing “nucular weapons” in Colorado, “all Hell is gonna break loose” with Virginia gun confiscation, medical “highly enriched uranium” for X-rays, ACC: “I should be able to see the smoke plume from my house”
2:28:28Donation Segment: one-person meetup in Beirut
2:44:08NPR on 2019 as “second warmest year on record”; Al Gore’s “500,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs” amplified to a terrifying “395 million Hiroshima bombs” in the oceans; “worst flooding” va “muddy trenches” in Venice, “Saint Mark’s Square now a swimming pool”; JCD’s mudflat tides; Dutch broadcasters buying production carbon credits, No Agenda naps for humanity