Call Clooney!

1205 Death Bus (2020-01-05)

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0:00:00ACC: “You just walked away. You just walked away from the show.” (1:45:48)
0:00:35Rain “caused by intense heat” in Australia due to latest precision rainstick intervention; investigators “knocking on the doors of known arsonists”; ACC story: finding the booze and drug dealers in Tuktoyaktuk; “boots on the ground, planes in the air, ships at sea” from PM
0:08:09Bomb Iran: Qasem Soleimani “blowed up” in Iraq at Trump’s command, M5M “revered figure” and “military genius” compilation; Thomas Friedman counters with “dumbest man in Iran” op-ed; former CIA Kenneth Pollack in 2017: “James Bond, Erwin Rommel, and Lady Gaga rolled into one”; ABC on “major escalation”; ACC troubled by Trump’s drone body count; ABC on Congressional hypocrites indignantly demanding information; CNN panelist Gen. James Marks urges Sen. Chris Murphy to stop whining, Soleimani’s “brazen” presence in Iraq after embassy attack; Debbie Wasserman Schultz asserts distraction from “illegal cover-up”
0:21:33Democracy Now propagates “more dangerous world” meme; BBC on “razor-thin” claims of imminent attack, “chat-ter” about Khamenei not giving go-ahead, Trump’s “menu of options” after death of American contractor; ACC’s call from Agent Orange, Soleimani an Iran-Iraq War hero, military mafia Quds Force, Trump-Khamenei Twitter war, “this is something that benefits Khamenei”, Badr Organization second in command killed, lame Federal Depository Library Program hack; M5M hand-wringing over retaliation, “we probably wouldn’t like it if the Iranians killed off someone like a Mike Pompeo”, James Stavridis offers up an ambassador
0:39:36Zbigniew Brzezinski in 2008 on Iran’s cooperation in the early days of the US operation in Afghanistan and possibility for cooperation in Iraq; Trump’s “my highest and most solemn duty” fail; Rose McGowan tweets “52% of us humbly apologize” and tries to explain herself in terms of Harvey Weinstein, unhinged Colin Kaepernick tweets about American imperialism
0:50:41New “clean up those old Soviet client regimes” version of Wes Clark Seven story; M5M irked at Trump for playing golf; Quincy Institute shill Trita Parsi gripes to Democracy Now about Congress being left out of the loop, ACC proposes “Lincoln-Washington Strategy Group”
1:03:37Producer Segment: Dr. Bronner’s “massage oil and ice cream topping”
1:29:57Istanbul police and Interpol investigating former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn’s escape to Lebanon from incarceration in Japan over tax fraud, JCD on 1980s “death buses” with replacement Japanese workforce, defunct Chrysler-Nissan merger, Ghosn’s Brazilian passport
1:41:352019 retrospective M5M fail compilations of Jussie Smolett, Covington Catholic, “touchy-feely” Joe Biden, “insanely disturbing” Kingsman Trump video, “outright treason” Mueller Report, and “right on the money” Steele Dossier; author Ted Malloch asserting Steele Dossier was written specifically for FISA application; Gorilla Channel hoax
1:53:00Maxine Waters falls for Russian pranksters “Vovan” Kuznetsov and “Lexus” Stolyarov posing as “Greta Thudberg” and her father working to save the island of Chunga-Changa (CotD)
2:00:01Outraged Austin Mayor Adler tweets that homeless stabbing suspect was not homeless; KTLA on $1,000 fines in California for using more than 55 gallons of water in a single day
2:09:01Donation Segment: Bill Gates all-in on Washington income tax; Delray Beach meetup wars
2:27:27Asian invasive species brown marmorated stink bug spreading across Washington
2:30:39FBI finally getting around to talking to Ghislaine Maxwell; 60 Minutes on electrical cord and prescription drugs in cell, “breathe, Epstein, breathe!”, “corrupted” surveillance video
2:35:24Harry Reid in 2016 urging intelligence agencies to give Trump fraudulent briefings; Rep. Al Green to Chris Hayes: impeachment push started “when the President was running for office”