Call Clooney!

1196 Clinton Kildepstein (2019-12-05)

Show 1196 album art
0:00:00ACC: “Ha-ha-ha-ha, hi! Ha-ha-ha-ha, hi! Ha-ha-ha-ha, hi!” (1:11:55)
0:00:37ACC’s mobile studio ignored by TSA en route to Amsterdam, Lyft text spam from robotic coffee machine; Amtrak’s record season, California Zephyr “running about five hours late”
0:07:52“Absolute chaos” in Paris due to pension strikes by transport employees, Euronews propaganda for Macron reforms; Trump to Macron at NATO Summit: “would you like some nice ISIS fighters?”, Trump gripes about being taken advantage of by EU; The Daily Mail all-in on eating grey squirrels; Al Jazeera on shaky NATO “spirit of unity”; Canadian NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy after hot mic incident with Boris Johnson
0:24:56Predicted “anonymous donors” paying off Walmart layaways; JCD’s clueless TechTV sales rep
0:31:14Nancy Pelosi at COP25: “we’re still in” the Paris agreement, John Kerry’s World War Zero partnership with American Security Project; Bill Nye lets the truth slip: “it’ll make you filthy fucking rich!”; little kid “don’t eat me Boe Jiden!”, “oh my God, we’ve run out of clips, no!
0:41:51Daytime TV preempted by impeachment hearings with “Jerry the Troll” Nadler and a platoon of lawyers, Republican speakers cut off near-simultaneously, Rep. Doug Collins: “it started with tears in Brooklyn”, Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan apologizes for Barron Trump jab; Intelligence Committee report lies about call transcript released as result of public pressure
0:51:24GWU professor Jonathan Turley on role of the courts in Nixon case; Rep. Matt Gaetz grills Karlan about Versus Trump podcast appearance; Trump sells another $250M for military industrial complex; Collins notes WaPo Inauguration Day article “The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun”; Jerry Nadler lies about Trump soliciting Russian DNC hack
1:04:52Producer note on the appeal of jingles like My Sharona parody No Malarkey, Biden campaign obviously being destroyed from within; Washington Free Beacon compilation of M5M mourning “bittersweet moment” of Kamala Harris throwing in the towel because of sexism; Michael Bloomberg’s “take your poison” slip with Christine Lagarde; Bloomberg ads running in California; “pathetic” Hillary Clinton interview by Howard Stern; Hillary to Graham Norton: “I especially have been deluged in, y’know, the last few weeks with thinking about doing that”
1:20:17Producer Segment: “Linux of podcasting”
1:40:13Australian transgender sports writer Cate McGregor blacklisted by ABC for speaking out against trans activist “cabal” agenda for children, “there are not 52 genders”
1:45:09Breaking News: Trump campaign reduced to begging ACC for $35
1:48:10Dogs Are People Too: black market dog trade in Germany; local news offers to help “keep people like Gatsby… people, animals like Gatsby” during holiday season
1:51:01Dan Orlovsky’s over-the-top “mounʔain”, Oil of Olay “unbeaʔen”; homeless producer vocal fry
1:54:46BBC on landslide victory for pro-Democracy candidates in Hong Kong elections; Beijing irked US government for siding with Uighurs; Netherlands joins INSTEX SWIFT alternative; Iran shipping “illegal” missile parts to Yemeni rebels; Lex Harding blacklisted after visiting Iran
2:06:48ACC OTG: Gouda subsidizing Ring doorbells, “PeakSmart” technology for Australian power grid; producer note on 1990s-era LAPD Hamwatch program; ACC’s GO FLIP hangup issue
2:16:28Vladimir Putin responding to US Space Force push “to stop the alien invasion coming”
2:17:22Donation Segment: Syndey Gitmo Nation National Anthem and bar eviction;
2:43:02Sketchy tales about Jeffrey Epstein’s dead banker and plastic surgeon; BBC interview with Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre; Walmart pages customer “Clinton Kildepstein”
2:50:38Brin and Page stepping down at Google, Brin’s sister-in-law Susan Wojcicki CEO of YouTube