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1184 Ejexit (2019-10-24)

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0:00:00JCD: “The IQ’s in the single dig-its.” (0:28:30)
0:00:35JCD watching “the Nats” amid irritating overlap in sports seasons; CEO of Nike steps down, Tim Cook on board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management
0:04:06Former Clinton adviser Philippe Reines to Tucker Carlson: “there might be a reason that she’d be the best person, not only to beat Donald Trump but to govern after Donald Trump”; New York Times headline “Anxious Democratic Establishment Asks, Is There Anybody Else?”; Reines: “the lady knows her healthcare”, resurrects Trump’s “what do you have to lose” and immigration; bookmaker Democrat report with with Beto O’Rourke at 610:1
0:16:26Nobel laureate economist Robert J. Shiller on “motivational speaker” Trump propping up stock market; Hillary coughs and cackles at crowd finishing her sentence “we have to nominate…” with “you!”, ACC: “I think she was starting to shapeshift”, “you’ve gotta win the electoral vote!”, Chelsea ands with whispered “and then we get rid of the Electoral College!
0:26:45Unhinged Cenk Uygur: “his IQ’s in the single dig-its!”, if Trump is reelected “so, look, it’s on the board”, 12.5% chance of “fascist state” in which “I guarantee you he will start locking people up”, “shoot them and kill them” plan for immigrants (CotD)
0:33:18Anti-Putin Biden “chip in” video with microphone in “Ace Hardware plastic bucket”
0:40:07Beto O’Rourke to Brolf: “agents began to track down Hillary Clinton’s e-mails” at Trump’s request, Russia “invaded and attacked our country” in 2016; new Al Sharpton classic“ perhaps he was influenced by Gurgle and the Third Rights”, Beto: “that’s right”; new station IDs
0:53:11Andrew Napolitano on Emoluments Clause in light of Doral Miami hosting G-7
0:55:48Militaristic Democratic Coalition “Impeachment Task Force” video
0:58:21Producer Segment: Calvados and esophageal cancer
1:33:09JCD gripes about vapid celebrity gossip from Carson Daly on The Today Show, “Roker seems to be shrinking”; Fortnight and chocolate cookies more addictive than cocaine
1:38:06Divorced parents squabbling over Texas 7-year-old semi-transgender James/Luna Younger, “sexual mutilation of children on an industrial scale”, threat of jail for father using wrong pronouns; TERF “transgender-exclusionary radical feminist” lawyer Kara Dansky gripes about liberal media blackout of feminist and gay rights objections to Democrat transgender agenda; douchebag Canadian activist Jessica Yaniv ordered to reimburse defendants in deceptive “wax my balls” lawsuits; Elizabeth Warren fawning over “9-year-old transgender American” revisited; JCD: “are we going to become a nation with eunuchs?”
2:00:21John Pilger to RT on “searing” court hearing for nearly mute Julian Assange: “her bias was incandescent”; riots in Catalonia in aftermath of sentencing of separatist leaders, movement leader Carles Puigdemont in exile in Belgium
2:11:04Twitter ad numbers down, MDAU “monthly daily average users” 145M; Mark Zuckerberg grilled by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over untruthful political ads and his dinner with “far-right figure” Ben Shapiro, “so you would say that white supremacist tied publications meet a rigorous standard for fact checking?”, JCD: “I think Zuckerberg needs to play the Jew card!”
2:20:07Donation Segment: JCD puts out a call for birch syrup; bought by WeWork
2:44:23“Squabble” between British members of EU Parliament over new Brexit referendum, “there is no clarity and never was about what type of leave was on the referendum”; Nigel Farage: “we will never accept a German chancellor attempting to annex a part of our nation”; Troll Room suggests “Ejexit”