Call Clooney!

1176 Soest Piet (2019-09-26)

Show 1176 album art
0:00:00ACC: “He just took art from, ah, SpongeBob and put head in!” (1:10:29)
0:00:35100° temperatures drying out the poop in San Francisco
0:03:00Getting Greta jingle; 13-year-old climate activist Severn Cullis-Suzuki scolds UN in 1992; Greta Thunberg starts whipping herself into a tantrum with “this is all wrong, I shouldn’t be up here!”; mother Malena Ernman’s bizarre “nej nej nej!” frozen pizza ad; handler Luisa-Marie Neubauer a stooge of Soros-funded ONE Foundation; UNICEF’s Charlotte Petri Gornitzka welcomes delegation; PSA with “my friend” George Monbiot; the unimaginable hardship of an IPCC meeting in Monaco, well-timed “cryosphere” report with “very high confidence”
0:18:01Dinesh D’Souza tweets Greta and Nazi propaganda poster girl, no photos with non-braided hair, JCD: “I found that she looked more like Wednesday Addams”; Mark Dice compilation of children screeching “this is a revolution!”; Kamala Harris tries to mollify traumatized child; ITV Loose Women hand-wringing over Sri Lankan turtles eating plastic bags; Jesse Watters welcomes BirthStrike founder Blythe Pepino: “okay Blythe!”, Pepino frets about migration of “five to six billion refugees”; Cloudflare announces “bot fight mode” ahead of IPO
0:32:17Bill Weld: Trump pressured Volodymyr Zelensky “eight times” to investigate Hunter Biden, “that is treason … and the penalty for treason under the US code is death!” (CotD); WaPo’s Devlin Barrett on DoJ and campaign finance law; John Kerry gripes to Face the Nation about Trump “extorting the leader of another country” just like Nixon did; Adam Schiff irked at Trump’s “undermining the national security of this country”; ACC reads transcript: Javelin missile deal and CrowdStrike’s Hillary e-mails; Judy Woodruff ignores lies from Sen. Chris Murphy that Biden vs Ukrainian prosecutor story is “fundamentally not true” and investigation is “not presently happening”; “bad ambassador” Marie L. Yovanovitch
0:53:39Re-skinned Nancy Pelosi: “intelligent community” revealed Trump asking Ukraine to “intervene in his election”, “official impeachment inquiry”; Jerry Nadler’s Show 1163 “this is formal impeachment proceedings!”; Fox PSA with Nadler lookalike having a stroke; Schiff compares Trump to mafia boss; JCD perplexed by Pelosi kowtowing to five non-Squad “nudniks”
1:03:02Zelensky at press conference: “I can’t push anyone”, Trump obsesses over Hillary e-mails, “she does a lot of yoga, right?”; ACC’s hysterical barrage of WinRed “chip in” text messages
1:07:38Producer Segment
1:26:22Vape Wars: Juul Labs CEO Kevin Burns resigns with “don’t vape” warning, empty shelves in Massachusetts; Rashida Tlaib interrogates witness Vicki Porter: “are you a conspiracy theorist?”; PMI throws Altria under the bus, ACC recommends Barbarians at the Gate film
1:35:37Zwarte Piet banned in Apeldoorn and replaced with “Soot Piet”; UN troublemaker Verene Shepherd; Mark Rutte: “this is an old tradition”; two years in jail for causing “split in society”
1:46:22Emmy Awards fuss over October 8 Supreme Court transgender discrimination hearing spun by media into Orange Man Bad hysteria; JCD on California vs not hiring people with horns
1:55:23Mattel releases line of gender-neutral dolls due to parental concerns over “genderizing toys”
1:57:10Sir Geoff Smith wins Joe’s Gaffe of the Week jingle contest; Greta-dominated end-of-show
1:59:02NPR introduces “a guy named Leo Laporte” in Adrian Lamo story
2:01:36ACC OTG: Amazon Echo Frames with “very discreet directional microphones”; Boris Johnson goes “over the top OTG” to UN General Assembly warning about ubiquitous IoT surveillance: “digital authoritarianism is not, alas, the stuff of dystopian fantasy, but of an emerging reality”
2:15:39Donation Segment: “Soest Piet”; ACC takes to D-STAR after JCD disappears due to blackout