Call Clooney!

1174 Soros Jugend (2019-09-19)

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0:00:00ACC: (whisper)Dark mode is here!” (1:57:19)
0:00:32JCD surveying grey cars on the freeway; JCD suggests ACC “uncheck a million boxes” to tweak haywire Twitter algorithms; D-STAR REF033 C revival, “we need our own CubeSat!”
0:09:42Guy Verhofstadt channels Hitler for Liberal Democrat conference: “the world order of tomorrow is not a world order based on nation states or countries, it’s a world order that is based on empires”; prorogation goes before UK Supreme Court “dude at a low desk”
0:23:33CBS on government pinning Saudi Aramco refinery drone attack on Iran, Mike Pence: “we’re locked and loaded”; Shep Smith: “what we really need … is directed energy defense”; Steve Pieczenik asserts Mohammad bin Salman hoax to drive up price in Saudi Aramco IPO; bullcrap “dependency on Saudi oil” meme; Pieczenik predicts Trump hotel in Tehran
0:42:02Justin Trudeau remorseful over 2001 brownface photo from Arabian Nights party and high school Day O performance; Saturday Night Live fires recently-hired Shane Gillis over “racist and homophobic slurs”; Bill Burr and Jim Jefferies reflect on John Belushi’s SNL samurai skit, “fucking millennials, you’re a bunch of rats!”; ACC on cancel culture accusations as Scud missiles; the latest New York Times smear against Brett Kavanaugh implodes
0:57:44Producer Segment
1:09:30Federal Reserve futzing with overnight lending spikes; New York banker: “when the Fed needs to step in, there’s always a loser” like Goldman Sachs; JCD: “podcasters in blackface!”
1:14:04Joe Biden’s inane story of working as a life guard and facing off against gang leader: “Corn Pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys”, “in those days used to, ’member the straight razors, you’d bang ’em on the curb, get ’em rusty, put ‘em in a rain barrel, get ’em rusty”; Biden proposes childcare credit to get “720 million women” back in the workforce; Biden excoriated for misunderstanding Guyana as Ghana
1:23:39Democracy Now on upcoming UN summit and climate strike led by “Greta Toonberry”; NBC “Climate Confessions” gallery of shame; hysterical 14-year-old activist Kallen Benson; public schools requiring parental approval for “strike”, ACC: “Soros Jugend”; teen panelist Jamie Margolin on “weird form of nihilism” in public schools, Piper vs. Washington State
1:39:49Recent trend of South Korean “food porn” Mukbang hosted by broadcast jockeys “BJs”
1:44:41ACC OTG: locking phone bags at Bruno Mars concerts and schools; Chinese classroom brain surveillance; Prince William and BBC pushing anti-cyberbullying keylogger app; police using “thousands” of Ring doorbell videos in child abuse case; Fort Collins ousts Comcast; Nokia 2720 flip phone resurrected; 9 to 5 Mac gushes over “over 200 new iOS 13 features!” including dark mode; JCD on Berkeley Bowl manbuns with Apple Watches
2:01:56KFI News on voter registration push for the homeless; 9th Circuit decision in Martin v. Boise against cruel and unusual punishment, ACC: “the way you do it is you chip ’em”
2:07:25Donation Segment; NPR’s $50M in podcast revenue
2:16:52Small businesses scrambling after MyPayrollHR payroll processor shuts down without warning; JCD gripes about LinkedIn selling address books back to premium users (JCDPPotD)
2:21:57Vape Wars jingle; Dick Durbin lies “twenty cigarettes you get with one hit on a vaping device”; producer note on big tobacco campaigning against its own vape products
2:30:50Plant-based pork in China doomed to failure; Tucker Carlson flu native ad with timer beep; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine homeless shelter; Biden “make sure the kids hear words” iso
2:42:11Trump DoJ vs Edward Snowden’s book proceeds; USA Freedom Act FISA reauthorization