Call Clooney!

1166 Tacorista (2019-08-22)

Show 1166 album art
0:00:00ACC: “Why you like him, this is no goood!” (1:58:45)
0:00:33Austin city council proposing changes to camping ordinance, Mayor Adler: “are we really ready to do what it takes to actually solve this problem?”, bullshit six-page “we know what works” proposal; San Francisco’s new euphemisms like “justice-involved person”
0:11:09Bill Gates’ connection to Jeffrey Epstein revealed as predicted by Steve Pieczenik; apology from MIT Media Lab’s Joi Ito, JCD story: kicked out of Media Lab by Marvin Minsky; video of Katherine Keating at Epstein home, Kerry Kennedy formerly married to Andrew Cuomo
0:23:35Nord Stream II pipeline facing delays in gas competitor Denmark, producer note on Denmark’s history of losing chunks of its territory; Democracy Now on Trump’s “absurd” proposed real estate deal, “biwwions” and “miwwions” in ice sheet losses, buried Cold War nuclear waste
0:33:27Russia irked at reaction to mysterious explosion at missile testing site
0:36:12Trump tweets reaction to Robert Epstein Google bias research, Hillary snarking about “debunked” study; Jeffrey Toobin: “in a day of whackadoodle claims this was the most whackadoodle of all”, “long discredited” lie, Sabrina Siddiqui: “unsubstantiated conspiracy theory”; Clinton body count warning tweets to Robert Epstein; ACC theory: Bill Clinton as sacrificial lamb; Joe diGenova gripes about FBI corruption getting in the way of new bombshells
0:46:49Bill de Blasio goes into helium mode on Skype sounding like Ben Shapiro; Elizabeth Warren’s heartfelt “I am sorry for harm I have caused” apology to Native Americans accompanied by mournful whimpers from JCD; Andrew Yang to H3 podcast on rigged debates: “some of the campaigns are in touch with the TV network ahead of time” (CotD)
0:52:19Producer note on Social Impact Agency, Day of Unreasonable Conversation event with John Legend, Stacey Abrams, and Valerie Jarrett; Bombshell with Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly
1:01:11Producer Segment: Sir Chris “there goes the Zephyr” deepfake of Jordan Peterson
1:31:16Trump getting rid of Jim Acosta by talking to the press on the way to the helicopter; JCD reviews history of Reagan’s “nuthouse” closings, Trump reveals plan to open or reopen mental institutions; NPR celebrates 30 years of Prozac, “so why are we still depressed?” iso, “I’m permanently on an SSRI or SSNRI booster”, “nobody’s experimenting on us”
1:44:53Angela Rye drowns out panel screeching about “white men who think like you”, pathetic Chris Cuomo: “hey, hello, whose show is it?”; Fox Business on “white guys” vs millennial investors
1:53:01Dogs Are People Too: UK Channel 4 Train Your Baby Like a Dog
1:55:43Disingenuous Boris Johnson with Angela Merkel: “ample scope to do a deal” for Brexit; “freedom of movement” meme and Irish border; Johnson gripes about anti-vaccine “superstitious mumbo-jumbo”, British government’s to collude with social media on vaccine propaganda
2:04:39“The most important lawsuit in America right now, and perhaps the free world” Prager University v. YouTube explained in terms of publisher vs public forum
2:11:21ACC: Burger King taco “a piece of shit product”, JCD: “you’re a tacorista”; Facebook insider Brian Amerige to Dave Rubin on algorithms predicting controversy: “it is impossible to build models that are going to predict this stuff accurately”, odd repeated objectivism example
2:19:16Gillette replaces toxic masculinity ad campaign with “local heroes”, JCD retracts Clip of the Day; New Balance DRESS CODES podcast with Gimlet, Shellcast taco skit
2:26:17Donation Segment
2:49:57NBC Trump whipsaws: “already strong” vs “loopholes in the background checks”, “floating the idea of a tax cut” vs “something that we think about”, “I am the chosen one!” iso