Call Clooney!

1162 Thank You Comrade (2019-08-08)

Show 1162 album art
0:00:00JCD: “Umm! Umm! Umm!” (0:33:37)
0:00:34MSNBC pundit Frank Figluizzi: Trump’s lowering of flags on 8/8 a coded “Heil Hitler”; NYT “white hate violence” prediction five days before shootings; Nicolle Wallace to USA Today’s Paul Reyes: “you now have a president, as you said, talking about exterminating Latinos”
0:11:05Trump’s Dayton teleprompter flubs; 8chan’s Jim Watkins: El Paso manifesto uploaded first to Instagram; Trump calls for social media spying, “rapid due process” to grab crazy people’s guns, red flag “extreme risk protection orders”; former Department of Justice official on working with “foreign intelligence agencies” to circumvent 4th Amendment; former Obama DHS stooge on “contracting it out with private companies who don’t have those limitations”
0:24:00JCD theory: White House agent provocateur planting coded neo-Nazi messages; BBC changes story from “immigrants and ethnic minority groups” to “white supremacist violence”
0:29:21Democratic Socialists of America takes down videos of its “thank you, comrade” convention, Occupy Wall Street “twinkling” applause; uptalking “um girl” at podium explains “progressive stack” with marshalls “doing the Lord Marx’s work”; ACC on pervasive fundraising and SJW posers: “socialism has leaders and they tell you to shut the fuck up”; no perfumes in the quiet room, “de-escalation, right?”, “don’t talk to MAGA assholes”; attendee triggered by a “he/him” using gendered “guys” in a “quick point of personal privilege”
0:48:27ACC: “the real socialists came in!” from Germany preaching Antifa violence, “they’re LARPing children!”; JCD story: throwing toilet paper rolls at model UN conference; Linda Sarsour channels Wanda Sykes giving the kids a good tongue lashing: “we need money to build this movement, right?”, ironic National Political Committee NPC; JCD story: sales pitch for $500 car wax job; DSA takes credit for Medicare for all platform, millennials working for free food
1:07:31FBI references “violent ideologies” in Dayton shooter; Bronze Age Mindset racial separation
1:11:20Anderson Pooper’s “I’m not impacted by who advertises on my show” lie, barely-audible “it saved my life”; Pooper at 2018 Turner Upfront in front of auditorium full of advertisers
1:15:59Producer Segment
1:39:43David Icke notes Sheffield defoliation campaign to eliminate interference with 5G
1:45:37ACC OTG: five-day battery life with “cloaked” iPhone 5; National Association of Broadcasters meeting presentation on broadcast TV ATSC 3.0 with Dolby dialogue enhancement and “coupons and promotions!”, JCD compares to Ford’s six-door Explorer; CEO Dick Granville accuses DuckDuckGo of tracking users; Wall Street Journal $70 smartphone native ad for Shenzhen China; Yippy powered by IBM Watson, JCD’s “best weed whacker” test
2:05:08Hong Kong protests poorly timed for October 1 PRC 75th anniversary; Hudson Institute’s Michael Pillsbury: US “partially involved” with National Endowment for Democracy; CNBC on “dissatisfaction in general” going back to 2003, potential for outside forces in police uniforms
2:17:42Donation Segment
2:30:46CEO Gina Garrubbo: National Public Media “the sponsorship/brand advertiser world”; ACC imitates Bernie Sanders agitating for free advertising
2:38:52Democracy Now on socialist Tiffany Cabán’s failed bid for district attorney
2:42:16Outrage at Equinox and SoulCycle over owner’s Trump fundraiser; JCD predicts media revenge against Joaquin Castro donor doxxing; WinRed Republican fundraising machine
2:51:30Canadian legal wrangling over Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv’s demand for Brazilian “ball waxing”
2:59:58Comedian Steve Sweeney: “I took a shit on the sidewalk” in San Francisco