0:00:00 | JCD: “You can step over the body!” (0:37:07 ) |
0:00:37 | Troll Room up in arms over Natalie Portman as Thor; producer notes on watching TV with “carbon captions”, ADHD-like auditory processing disorder, lack of hearing protection at concerts; JCD irked at deteriorating coating of “goo” applied to consumer electronics |
0:18:09 | Elijah Cummings and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez holler at DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan; Campus Reform man on the street video with Obama immigration quotes attributed to Trump, Obama policies “more humane than the ones currently going on”; Austin businesses struggling with the homeless camping on their doorsteps; Dr. Drew Pinsky to Scott Adams on “hoax” of affordable housing and Lanterman-Petris Act raising bar for involuntary commitment, “we’re leaving drug addicts to die”; JCD on Ronald Reagan’s mental institution closing |
0:37:19 | Dr. Robert Epstein’s “between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes” for Hillary Clinton attributable to Google omitted from Material podcast; Epstein’s bio including work under B.F. Skinner, American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology nonprofit, results published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America and replicated in Germany, top two search results swaying undecided voters; Epstein on SEME search engine manipulation effect and seven others shifting 15M votes “without anyone knowing that they are being manipulated and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace” |
0:51:37 | Epstein on 2016 comparison between Google, Bing, and Yahoo finding results “strongly biased” toward Hillary Clinton, unretrievable “ephemeral experiences” like autocomplete; Google’s deceitful response to Politico article: “we have never re-ranked search results”, “dramatic effect” favoring liberal sources in California congressional races |
1:00:56 | Mathematician Cathy O’Neil in TED talk: algorithms “automate the status quo”; uptalking MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini on Algorithmic Justice League and machine learning bias in facial recognition; ACC on bias injection by liberal Google employees; O’Neil: algorithms “sorting winners and losers in the standard old-fashioned way … through class, through gender, through race”; ACC on role of credit score in insurance and employment |
1:17:01 | Producer Segment: ACC’s subliminal Troll Room information stream; Celeste Barber show |
1:36:50 | JCD agitating for inclusion of Hillary on 2020 polls; Bernie Sanders campaigners irked at low wages, JCD’s “I didn’t know about it!” impression; Judy Woodruff call Joe Biden “Al Gore” |
1:42:51 | Democracy Now on GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun and US blackmail attempts on UN Security Council members to push Iraq War; JCD on “Spot the Spook” in US news outlets; Amy Goodman son sequitur from EPA to rollback of nuclear power regulations |
1:55:38 | Theresa May segues from climate change to read “the Labour Party welcomes everyone except, it seems, Jews!” (CotD) |
2:00:10 | Democracy Now on immigration protest by Catholic nuns, hunger strike by those seeking asylum from likelihood of being “tortured and killed” in India; “latest ra-cist remarks” iso |
2:04:18 | Disingenuous Chuck Schumer warns about FaceApp EULA; marketing gobbledygook video from “dossier” creator Acxiom: “provides clients access to two and a half billion consumers”, JCD: “they’re FOIA-proof”; idiot panelist invokes Unabomber “in a cabin in the woods” |
2:14:30 | Donation Segment: JCD’s “reset the eyeball” hallucinations and three-armed Serena Williams |
2:30:52 | Iranian diplomat Mohammad Javad Zarif to NewsHour: Trump can put UN in control now |
2:38:19 | Testimony on anticipated 30-40,000 additional 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claims |
2:47:32 | 33 killed in Kyoto animation studio; Walter Cronkite on Apollo 11 countdown “glitches” |