0:00:00 | ACC: “Yeah, they’re in advertising and we’re in advertising and that’s not fair!” (0:47:41 ) |
0:00:34 | ACC unnerved by changes to London since his last visit, “four-minute” walk from meetup, “red nose” Norwegian Air flying 787 Dreamliner, complimentary honeymoon Champagne, TSA swabbing cell phones for explosives, JCD’s explosive barbecue seasonings |
0:12:14 | Florida couple bemused by approximately 50 people at London meetup |
0:18:54 | LBC’s James O’Brien recites litany of three “six, seven, eight” Boris Johnson lies and scandals; ACC recommends BBC Guy Verhofstadt documentary |
0:28:55 | New York Times propagates bogus study concluding Google made $4.7bn in news revenue, News Media Alliance lobbying for H.R.2054 Journalism Competition and Preservation Act for news industry monopoly, Rep. David Cicilline on “existential threats” from digital media to “the very foundation of our democracy”; Craig Newmark’s proposal for Phil Bronstein, joint operating agreements among incompetent newspapers; News Corp’s Toni Bush: “the system is broken” because Silicon Valley is winning; 333-page Internet Trends 2019 report |
0:47:10 | YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki apologizes for not punishing Steven Crowder sooner, “the first thing I’ll talk with”, “examples would be, like, race X is superior, to, to, is superior to race Y, and therefore Y should be segregated”, “what we had actually done with it a few years ago is we had actually had limited features”, “verified violent event” Sandy Hook denial, “we need to be sure that the advertisers are gonna be okay with it and we have a higher standard” a.k.a. brand safety, issue of “fractional one percent” problem videos, “responsibility is my number one priority” translated from “Goog-speak”, transgender Ina Fried: “are you just sorry they were offended?”; Sundar Pichai on solving “hard computer science problem” of hate speech |
1:10:08 | Producer Segment: plastic UK banknotes with “the Queen’s ghost” |
1:31:22 | Joe Biden in Iowa: “it’s about fear and loathing — no president has done something like that!”; Trump: “I like running against people that are weak mentally”; CBS’ Weijia Jiang’s “Vladimir Poon”, new Bernie “whoa whoa whoa!”; F-35 White House flyover “something that hasn’t happened in over 100 years”, “Fort Trump” sales deal with Poland, “progress” toward visa waiver program; Sara Netanyahu pleads guilty to “unfairly taking advantage of a mistake” |
1:44:48 | Hillary Clinton to UNREDACTED podcast: George Clooney not running for Mitch McConnell’s seat because “Amal would probably, y’know, kill him”; Konstantin Kilimnik’s role as State Department “sensitive intelligence source” omitted from Mueller report; Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton on Obama State Department producing anti-Trump dossiers |
1:51:10 | CNN hysteria over citizenship question on 2020 Census, Brianna Keilar lies “it is not a citizenship poll, it is a population poll”, JCD enumerates history of Census questions |
2:01:37 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez exposes her growing corruption by explaining why she voted herself a pay raise: “it’s not even like a raise, it’s a cost of living adjustment” |
2:09:32 | Donation Segment: podcastlicense.com hiatus |
2:26:17 | Producer’s list of underreported bombings, shootings, and stabbings in Sweden |
2:28:13 | Shipping vessels under attack in Gulf of Oman; 2009 clip of Bill O’Reilly bitching about Obama merchandise in NBC Store; Fleabag character masturbating to Obama video |
2:33:13 | Ebola’s Back in Town jingle, “ring vaccination of contacts” to address first cases in Uganda |
2:37:36 | Hong Kong riots over new extradition bill; social score circumvention methods |
2:43:31 | US women’s soccer 13-0 vs Thailand; Manhattan helicopter crash pilot not certified for IFR |
2:46:56 | Mark Zuckerberg “deepfake” video sounding nothing whatsoever like him |