0:00:00 | JCD: (stoner voice) “The dope has been burnin’ too hot!” (2:15:57 ) |
0:00:30 | Pervasive and increasingly annoying “it’s true!” for end of show |
0:01:17 | White House Correspondents’ Dinner “a total dud”, “comedian” Ron Chernow bombs, cheers for lawyer George Lehner, president Olivier Knox of Sirius XM and Yahoo News propagates “enemies of the people” lie, tearful son asking “is Donald Trump going to put you in prison?” |
0:14:50 | ACC at Starlight Music Series in College Station sampling sorghum vinaigrette; ACC’s ability to predict a person’s predilection for beef vs fish on the wedding menu |
0:21:21 | Scott Adams optimistic about debunking Joe Biden’s “fine people on both sides” hoax; Biden propagates the lie on The View; new Unite the Right rally talking point; “no apology” from Biden for being a masher: “look, here’s the deal” iso, “well look, I’m really sorry if what I did in talking to them … that in fact they took it a different way”, babbling “we’re excited about this!” intro, Biden’s pesky empathy, envisions “flying across America in less than an hour and a half — subsonic air!” (BCotD), Joy Behar channels Sarah Palin: “thank you so much for Pre… to Vice President Oba… uh, Biden”; Trump crows “I am a young, vibrant man!” |
0:42:40 | “Bombshell new book” by Peter Schweizer linking Hunter Biden to Chinese and Ukrainian deals; ACC’s revised “Bet-to” pronunciation, O’Rourke wearing suit at SEIU event; ACC’s friend receiving ballots while incarcerated, JCD enthusiastic about evidence of government dysfunction, UberMedia geolocation services, JCD’s calls from California Franchise Tax Board |
0:53:13 | Former prosecutor Joe diGenova on “brazen plot” by Obama FBI contractors to spy on Republican party, “John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer, he’s going to need five”, predicts “bombshell” report on James Comey; text messages between Strzok and Paige discussing development of “potential relationships” in post-election briefings; Mormon “spook candidate” Evan McMullin’s bogus “according to the Mueller report” meme |
1:06:59 | Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh raided by FBI over sketchy children’s book deals; Nick Ballasy grills a nervous Obama National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes about FBI spying: “we weren’t involved in commissioning the dossier, like, that’s crazy!” |
1:18:07 | Andrew Napolitano’s litany of obstruction of justice claims against Trump answered with tweet claiming he was turned down for Supreme Court appointment; upheaval at Fox News |
1:26:33 | Producer Segment |
1:48:37 | San Diego synagogue shooter John T. Earnest’s “open letter” similar to Christchurch manifesto, Trump a “traitorous cocksucker”, bizarre attribution to PewDiePie Felix Kjellberg |
1:53:56 | “New bombs and more deaths” in Sri Lanka, US State Department evacuating nonessential personnel, Gorgon Chang on Chinese Navy’s container port foothold |
1:57:57 | Justin Trudeau scuffles with irked volunteer while filling flood prevention sandbags to “encourage more Canades to come out and volunteer”, “I’m sorry for your challenge” |
2:03:42 | “Tested positive for measles” meme as AIDS parallel, New York measles database, producer note on vaccine mechanism; Trump: “they have to get their shot!”; herpes at Coachella |
2:15:59 | Donation Segment: Overcast app’s new clip-sharing feature |
2:30:02 | Rush Limbaugh: podcasts “talk shows for people who cannot make it in talk radio” |
2:32:42 | Bernie Sanders’ press secretary Symone Sanders: “we don’t need white people leadin’ the Democratic Party”; Biden in 1989 calling for US to “hold every drug user accountable” |
2:38:05 | Walt Heyer: “we are manufacturing transgender kids”, affirmation and sexual abuse |
2:50:01 | Abigail Disney’s WaPo op-ed bitching about Bob Iger’s $65M compensation |