0:00:00 | ACC: “Many producers just sit home, scratch their crotch, and say, great show.” (1:26:32 ) |
0:00:34 | Joe “Spike” Biden enters 2020 race with Charlottesville “very fine people on both sides” lie; BlacKkKlansman ends with Trump and David Duke quotes and August 12 lie, JCD: “false meme-ification”; Pete Buttigieg on need for more residents in “hamlet” of South Bend, illegals “are subsidizing the rest of us”; Hillary: “it could not be clearer” that there was obstruction of justice; Joe Digenova to Krystal Ball: “don’t you dare suggest that Bill Barr is a liar!”; millennials backing Elizabeth Warren, JCD: “she can’t even get rid of Rachel the robo-caller!” |
0:18:57 | Mike Rogers in 2017 on NSA’s discontinuation of “about queries” due to spying on US citizens; Inslaw’s PROMIS database overseen by Mueller; Bob Woodward: “garbage” Steele Dossier included by CIA in draft of Russian interference report; Strzok and Page in the crosshairs |
0:33:36 | JCD’s Surfin Bird “um, um, um” edit of Mark Zuckerberg’s podcast; “Netflix of podcasts” Luminary screwing with download metrics; fake No Agenda on British Podcast Awards |
0:43:14 | Happy Anzac Day, JCD’s donation-killing Spanish-American War essay |
0:45:20 | Adam Higginbotham to PBS on 33-year-old real story of Chernobyl: “the death toll from the accident by that point, was two”; Fukushima Geiger counter on the beach; walruses falling to their deaths in David Attenborough’s Our Planet blamed on “the sad reality of climate change”; Democracy Now mourns the “seventy trillion dollars” in impact; University of Chicago study on Renewable Portfolio Standards requiring massive investment in fossil fuels |
1:00:34 | Sri Lanka Easter Sunday suicide bombings: JCD irked by ubiquitous backpacks; US Navy exercise in Sri Lanka beginning April 19, National Tawheed Jamaat immediately implicated, Steve Pieczenik concerned about attacks on Christians; former FBI Bobby Chacon predicts “more of these attacks”; ACC: OBOR warning shot; US waters down UN resolution on rape as weapon; Sri Lankan officials warned about bombing suspects ahead of event |
1:18:08 | Producer Segment: ACC on the lookout for imminent arrival of new washing machine |
1:34:45 | Amy Klobuchar channels Jeb Bush: “that’s when you guys are supposed to cheer, okay?” |
1:36:25 | Starbucks installing bathroom sharps boxes; Dallas County decriminalizing “crimes of need” |
1:40:58 | NPR on homeless millennials who own nothing, native ad for PodShare and WeWork, “they hoard digitally” with thousands of “experiences” on Instagram, JCD: “no story no sale” |
1:50:39 | 33 killed in South African floods; Japanese government apologizes for its eugenics program; Democracy Now on attempted cover-up of war crimes by Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher |
1:54:18 | ACC follow-up on self-loathing sellout Nipsey Hussle’s “community service” |
2:01:34 | Media ignoring landslide election victory by comedian Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine |
2:06:07 | New dictionary additions including “snowflake”, “screen time”, and “top surgery” |
2:10:56 | Donation Segment: JCD’s “Maxine Waters’ Gravel” gavel; wedding meetup planning |
2:20:03 | “Illegal” executions in Saudi Arabia; Mike Pompeo meeting with Iranian-American leaders; comedian Hasan Minhaj tries to shame Jared Kushner; NATO kills more civilians than Taliban |
2:25:51 | Benjamin Netanyahu to name Golan Heights settlement after Trump, JCD: “Trumpville!”; “pissed-off right-wing lawyers” Judicial Watch on Hillary e-mails held by Obama White House |
2:28:52 | Osundairo brothers suing Jussie Smolett for defamation; Supreme Court hears testimony in Census citizenship question case, ACC not all-in on voting by incarcerated felons |
2:34:29 | Measles in Europe, Canada, and aboard Navy ship; 8,000 Boy Scout leaders involved in sex abuse over 72-year period, JCD: “Girl Scouts are behind this”; Napa Auto Parts “it’s true!” |
2:40:10 | Steve Mnuchin refuses to turn over Trump’s tax returns under Teapot Dome scandal law |