0:00:00 | JCD: “Hello Cleveland!” |
0:00:31 | JCD’s printer shifts into A4 mode, long-standing empty threat of US metric conversion; Trump Rose Garden National Emergency speech on how great post-Brexit trade with UK is going to be, ACC: “yes, very good, very more, very bigger, very strong … the greatest trades ever” |
0:05:11 | Italy’s eviction of French ambassador over its control over economies of 14 African countries via CFA Central African franc with one-way exchange for euros |
0:12:09 | Trump’s National Emergency under legislation including 10 U.S.C. §284, uptalking run-on “and we will then be sued … and then we’ll get another bad ruling, and then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court …”; Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty to NPR: “the real checks on presidential power … have always been norms”, fails to give a meaningful example; David Brooks: “he lost the government shutdown, so he’s giving himself a performance trophy”; laundry list of Obama’s emergency declarations; Fox on declaration under National Emergencies Act; Jim Acosta vs “Angel Moms”; MSNBC admits non-citizens commit more crimes than citizens |
0:29:46 | Amy Goodman chokes on Mitch McConnell’s show of support, Pelosi on Trump’s “end run around Congress”, Public Citizen labels the move “perhaps the most dangerous yet by the unstable and increasingly autocratic President Trump”, spokeshole’s repeated “racist wall” meme; Sen. Bob Menendez outraged by Trump criminalizing drunk driving |
0:36:40 | PBS’ Yamiche Alcindor on Trump’s DoD funding sources, “they could axe for more money”; NPR defends “axe” pronunciation as Chaucerian |
0:45:24 | April Ryan vs Don Lemon on Kamala Harris’ blackness revisited; Harris’ father Donald’s article “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” reveals her great-grandmother was a slave owner |
0:51:21 | Elizabeth Warren shifts into fourth grade teacher mode when heckled: “be easy, be easy! |
0:54:28 | PBS blames unrest in Haiti on $2bn PetroCaribe discount oil deal with Venezuela; 2015 “cholera is on the rise” report on Clinton Foundation stealing $10bn in earthquake relief funds |
1:03:16 | Producer Segment: “competitor” Unfiltered podcast; 11 11 11 Super Karma Geocoin tracking |
1:25:37 | Qualcomm funding The Hill native ad videos for 5G, Pittsburgh mayor blathers about the need for inclusiveness in “smart cities”: “if we’re only mining the data for a some that we’re creating a larger digital divide”, “it’s a system of systems”, interviewer closes with “great!”, “techtitute” Sarah Lacy raves about 5G for VR and AR, “the future isn’t in pressing buttons, it’s in being the button”; ACC on 5G as the growth sector alongside global warming |
1:38:49 | Trump intent on addressing $22T in debt with the military: “growth will straighten it out” |
1:42:44 | Pope defrocks ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick for soliciting sex while taking confession |
1:47:10 | Dogs Are People Too: viral video of Bakersfield woman dragging a dog behind her Bird scooter |
1:50:02 | ACC’s FICO score up to 750 with help from TtK; NBC native ad for Experian Boost scam: “anyone who leaves the program should expect to see their score drop”, ACC: “this is slavery!” |
1:57:35 | Donation Segment |
2:16:22 | PBS gives 15 minutes to South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg to blather about a 2020 presidential run, “climate security” fearmongering; weepy 11-year-old abused child at UK rally |
2:24:49 | PBS and Euronews on US airlifting aid supplies to Venezuela, JCD rubblization theory, drugs and Hezbollah stories going back to 2009; Mike Pence and Angela Merkel at odds over Iran deal; Euronews propaganda: yellow vest protests petering out after three months |
2:32:47 | Spot the Spook: Autoline Daily podcast on GM board crowded with military and spooks |
2:35:08 | /ɪm.por.ʔənt/ information in “MAGA country” attack orchestrated by Jussie Smollett |